Calling F# function with a button from WPF (FsXaml approach)


I'm trying to make a Button Hello World application with F#, WPF and FsXaml. I started following this guide:

Everything works fine when I just load things on xaml and compile, but I haven't managed to call a function by pressing a button and the guide ends before he explains how to call functions.

I've seen a lot of different kind of approaches around, but nothing has worked for me yet (and many of the guides are years old so a lot has happened inside frameworks since). It would be great to have a working (and simple) starting point on which I could start building once I understand the logic between x.xaml and x.xaml.fs when using FsXaml.

My button on MainWindow.xaml:

<Button x:Name="submitButton" Content="Send" Click="submitButton_Click"/>

Also I have this in window -section of MainWindow.xaml:


My MainWindow.xaml.fs:

namespace GUItemplate

open FsXaml  
open System.Windows

type MainWindowBase = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">

type MainWindow() =
    inherit MainWindowBase()

    override this.submitButton_Click (sender: obj, e: RoutedEventArgs) = 
        MessageBox.Show("Hello world!")
        |> ignore

The error I get currently:

Message='Failed to create a 'Click' from the text 'submitButton_Click'.' Line number '29' and line position '101'.

Inner Exception 1:
ArgumentException: Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency is not compatible with that of the delegate type.
asked on Stack Overflow Jan 9, 2019 by A. Soikkeli • edited Jan 9, 2019 by A. Soikkeli

1 Answer


This is how I proceed in VS 2017 and for me it works. I add the UIAutomationTypes reference and I install the NuGet FsXaml.Wpf.

open System
open System.Windows
open FsXaml

type MainWindowBase = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">

type MainWindow() =
    inherit MainWindowBase()

    override this.submitButton_Click (sender: obj, e: RoutedEventArgs) = 
        MessageBox.Show("Hello world!")
        |> ignore

let application = new Application() in
    let mainWindow = new MainWindow() in
        application.Run(mainWindow) |> ignore    
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 10, 2019 by Jean-Claude Colette

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