I'm trying to make a Button Hello World application with F#, WPF and FsXaml. I started following this guide:
Everything works fine when I just load things on xaml and compile, but I haven't managed to call a function by pressing a button and the guide ends before he explains how to call functions.
I've seen a lot of different kind of approaches around, but nothing has worked for me yet (and many of the guides are years old so a lot has happened inside frameworks since). It would be great to have a working (and simple) starting point on which I could start building once I understand the logic between x.xaml and x.xaml.fs when using FsXaml.
My button on MainWindow.xaml:
<Button x:Name="submitButton" Content="Send" Click="submitButton_Click"/>
Also I have this in window -section of MainWindow.xaml:
My MainWindow.xaml.fs:
namespace GUItemplate
open FsXaml
open System.Windows
type MainWindowBase = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">
type MainWindow() =
inherit MainWindowBase()
override this.submitButton_Click (sender: obj, e: RoutedEventArgs) =
MessageBox.Show("Hello world!")
|> ignore
The error I get currently:
Message='Failed to create a 'Click' from the text 'submitButton_Click'.' Line number '29' and line position '101'.
Inner Exception 1:
ArgumentException: Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency is not compatible with that of the delegate type.
This is how I proceed in VS 2017 and for me it works.
I add the UIAutomationTypes
reference and I install the NuGet FsXaml.Wpf
open System
open System.Windows
open FsXaml
type MainWindowBase = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">
type MainWindow() =
inherit MainWindowBase()
override this.submitButton_Click (sender: obj, e: RoutedEventArgs) =
MessageBox.Show("Hello world!")
|> ignore
let application = new Application() in
let mainWindow = new MainWindow() in
application.Run(mainWindow) |> ignore
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