How to make Typescript enum with implements interfaces


How to make Typescript enum with implements interfaces

i current has this 2 enum

all enum ENNAME keys should only include of enum POSTAG keys

export enum POSTAG
    BAD = 0x80000000,
    D_A = 0x40000000,
    D_B = 0x20000000,
    D_C = 0x10000000,

export enum ENNAME
    D_A = 'a',
    D_B = 'b',
    D_C = 'c',

is there has any way make something like this??

export interface ENNAME
    [k: keyof POSTAG]: string,
asked on Stack Overflow Jan 8, 2019 by bluelovers

1 Answer


You can't make an enum extend an interface. The best you can do is set up some compile-time checking of the types to produce a warning if you make a mistake, such as:

interface ENNAMEInterface extends Record<Exclude<keyof typeof POSTAG, "BAD">, string> { }
type VerifyExtends<T, U extends T> = true
type VerifyENNAME = VerifyExtends<ENNAMEInterface, typeof ENNAME>; // okay

That should compile if the value ENNAME has the same keys as the value POSTAG (minus "BAD") with string values. Otherwise, VerifyENNAME will give you an error:

export enum ENNAME {
  D_A = 'a',
  D_B = 'b',
  // oops, D_C is missing 

type VerifyENNAME = VerifyExtends<ENNAMEInterface, typeof ENNAME>; // error
//                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//  Property 'D_C' is missing in type 'typeof ENNAME' but required in type 'ENNAMEInterface'.

Hope that helps. Good luck!

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 8, 2019 by jcalz • edited Dec 4, 2020 by jcalz

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