Converting a structure from Little endian to Big endian


My problem is to convert a pointer to structure from little endian to big endian so that I can send it to network, since my structure is of 12 bytes or 92 bits I cannot apply any standard or non standard function given.

I am trying to Implement GTPv1U on my linux system, since my structure pointer is of 96 bits I tried to break it in three chunk of 32 bits each and then do conversion but I am unable to break it and I also doubt that this is not correct way to do it

Code of my structure

typedef struct  __attribute__((__packed__)) GTPv1Uheader{
    UInt8  version              :3;
    UInt8  ProtocolTypeFlag     :1;
    UInt8  Spare                :1;
    UInt8  ExtensionFlag        :1;
    UInt8  SequenceNumberFLAG   :1;
    UInt8  NpduNumberFlag       :1;
    UInt8  MessageType;
    UInt16 Length;
    UInt32 TEID;                    
    UInt16 SequenceNumber;
    UInt8  NPDUNumber;
    UInt8  NextExtensionheader;
} GTPv1UheaderT;

Assignment of values

GTPv1UheaderT * IntializeGTP(){
    GTPv1UheaderT *GTPv1UheaderP;
    GTPv1UheaderP = malloc(sizeof(GTPv1UheaderT));
    memset(GTPv1UheaderP, 0, (sizeof(GTPv1UheaderT)));
    GTPv1UheaderP->version              = 0x1;
    GTPv1UheaderP->ProtocolTypeFlag     = 0x1;
    GTPv1UheaderP->Spare                = 0x0;
    GTPv1UheaderP->ExtensionFlag        = 0x0;
    GTPv1UheaderP->SequenceNumberFLAG   = 0x1;
    GTPv1UheaderP->NpduNumberFlag       = 0x0;
    GTPv1UheaderP->MessageType          = 0x01;
    GTPv1UheaderP->Length               = 0x000C;
    GTPv1UheaderP->TEID                 = 0x00000001;
    GTPv1UheaderP->SequenceNumber       = 0x0000;
    GTPv1UheaderP->NPDUNumber           = 0x00;
    GTPv1UheaderP->NextExtensionheader  = 0x00;
    return GTPv1UheaderP;

Expected output: 32 01 00 0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00

Actual output: 49 01 0C 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

EDIT: This was the swap function

long s; 
unsigned char k;
k=(unsigned char)GTPv1UheaderP;
s=(unsigned int)k;

I know that this wont work because my long is 32 bits where as pointer is of 96 bits. Any other solution

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 30, 2018 by Keval Malde • edited Dec 30, 2018 by Sergey Kalinichenko

1 Answer


Converting a whole struct from/to little or big endian does not make sense, because endianness is a property of a multi-byte scalar type representation, e.g. a single UInt16 or UInt32. When converting a struct to its "on-the-wire representation" you go through it one element at a time, and prepare its representation element-by-element.

Bit fields represent a special case, because their ordering is implementation-defined. You need to serialize them into a single byte in the order that you prefer. Use hton/ntoh functions to do the conversion of the individual multi-byte elements, i.e. Length and TEID.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 30, 2018 by Sergey Kalinichenko

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