App exits instead of going to next activity


I am calling an activity through a simple intent:

Intent startNewActivityOpen2 = new Intent(this, TransitionLandscape.class);
if (extras != null) {
        if (!extras.isEmpty()) {



Does it matter that this current activity is also TransistionLandscape.class? The app exits (without crashing) when I start the new activity. Going through the debugger, the new activity is never called: (onCreate in is never called)

From the documentation, it seems that an activity can call itself.


12-10 21:08:23.410 543-553/? I/ActivityManager: START u0
{cmp=com.assistek.ediary/.TransitionLandscape (has extras)} from pid
12-10 21:08:23.470 543-573/? D/dalvikvm: GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 437K, 18% free 14435K/17524K, paused 51ms, total 52ms
12-10 21:08:23.490 4801-4801/com.assistek.ediary D/Base Activity: **********Pause class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
    **********Pause Navigate: true
    **********Resume class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
    **********Focus: false Activity: class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
12-10 21:08:23.500 4801-4801/com.assistek.ediary D/Base Activity: **********Pause class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
    **********Pause Navigate: false
12-10 21:08:23.520 543-600/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000004
    Device reconfigured: id=2, name='elan-touchscreen', size 800x1280, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
12-10 21:08:23.520 543-1012/? I/ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 310mcc170mnc en_US ldltr sw600dp w600dp h880dp 213dpi
lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.11}
12-10 21:08:23.540 961-961/? I/PCKeyboard: onConfigurationChanged()
12-10 21:08:23.580 543-561/? I/WindowManager: Screen frozen for +74ms due to Window{425793b8 u0 com.assistek.ediary/com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape}
12-10 21:08:23.600 634-634/? D/PhoneStatusBar: mSettingsPanelGravity = 8388661
12-10 21:08:23.690 543-1045/? I/ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty #17
12-10 21:08:23.720 4801-4801/com.assistek.ediary W/IInputConnectionWrapper: showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection
12-10 21:08:23.730 4801-4801/com.assistek.ediary D/Base Activity: **********Stop Navigate Away false
    **********Stop class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
    **********Stop Focus ToClass class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
    Task ID 151
    **********Destroy class com.assistek.ediary.TransitionLandscape
12-10 21:08:23.740 4801-4801/com.assistek.ediary D/Time calculation:: Destroy: class
12-10 21:08:25.660 543-561/? D/dalvikvm: GC_EXPLICIT freed 287K, 18% free 14449K/17524K, paused 8ms+5ms, total 78ms
12-10 21:08:26.430 543-600/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000004
    Device reconfigured: id=2, name='elan-touchscreen', size 800x1280, orientation 1, mode 1, display id 0
12-10 21:08:26.430 543-566/? I/ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 310mcc170mnc en_US ldltr sw600dp w961dp h528dp 213dpi lrg land
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.12}
12-10 21:08:26.460 961-961/? I/PCKeyboard: onConfigurationChanged()

Also, calling:


instead of going to new activity, also causes app to exit (without a crash).

EDIT: Manifest


Actually, any activity that I call after TransitionLandscape causes the app to exit. Is it a memory problem?

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 30, 2018 by Kristy Welsh • edited Jan 2, 2019 by Kristy Welsh

5 Answers


Your app is crashing after that intent, as configuration changed is received.

12-10 21:08:23.520 543-600/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000004
    Device reconfigured: id=2, name='elan-touchscreen', size 800x1280, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
12-10 21:08:23.520 543-1012/? I/ActivityManager: Config changes=480 {1.0 310mcc170mnc en_US ldltr sw600dp w600dp h880dp 213dpi
lrg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.11}
    12-10 21:08:23.540 961-961/? I/PCKeyboard: onConfigurationChanged()
12-10 21:08:23.740 4801-4801/com.assistek.ediary D/Time calculation:: Destroy: class

can you try with

android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" />

There are other ways also to handle configuration changes you can check this link

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 3, 2019 by nkalra0123

Request you to please change below lines.



android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" />

In your manifest file.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 7, 2019 by Akshay Sharma • edited Jan 7, 2019 by JustBaron

I think you should try deleting the "Adding Extras code block" to know that if problem start from it or you can also modify your TransitionLandScape activity a bit, for example deleting launchMode = "singleTask" tag in Manifest file, ... then run app again to check that did you solve the problem. It just my opinion and i am not good much at English, sorry if there is any grammar error.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 30, 2018 by Tăng Tấn Tài

it is not memory problem,

this line of your log clearly say's that you have problem when change orientation of activity (onConfigurationChanged())

WindowManager: Screen frozen for +74ms due to Window

in manifest file it will not allow to recreate activity on changing orientation of your device

try to change/set app orientation with code on recreate() method or in onCreate() method

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 7, 2019 by Rj_Innocent_Coder

Use different names for your activities.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 30, 2018 by Habib Mhamadi

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