Resolve 0x80073CF3 on Windows 10


I am developing an Electron Application (Desktop Bridge) that should replace an existing Cordova Application (UWP).

I am building the APPX on my macOS machine with Parallels Desktop and Windows 10 using electron-build.

The APPX can be installed without any problems, but when I try to upgrade the Cordova application with the new Electron App I get the 0x80073CF3 error code.

How can I find out what exactly causes the incompatibility? Viewing the event logs using eventvwr.msc didn't help.

Note: The Apps are installed via the App Installer.

Edit: The Electron app is the successor of the Cordova app and should be able to update the Cordova app via the Microsoft Windows 10 Store.

Edit 2: I just checked the architecture. Both packages do have the ProcessorArchitecture set to x86. Both have been checked by unpacking the appxbundle (Cordova) and appx (Electron) files and inspecting the AppManifest.xml

Edit 3: The Cordova app is based on UWP, the Electron app is based on the Desktop bridge.

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 17, 2018 by David Gölzhäuser • edited Dec 18, 2018 by David Gölzhäuser

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