Perl Copy data from csv to excel workbook


I am trying to open a csv file and copy the data from within it to paste it into a tab in an already constructed excel (2016) workbook.

my problem appears to be accessing the csv file properly. Here is my code

use utf8;
use Cwd;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
use Win32::OLE::Const "Microsoft Office .* Object Library"; 

my $Excel  = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit');
$Excel->{Visible} = 0;

my $XLSX_LOG_IN = "book1.xlsx";
my $Book_In = $Excel->Workbooks->Open("$XLSX_LOG_IN") or die "Excel Logfile Workbook not opened - Ensure file 'book1.xlsx' is in the working directory\n";

my $csv_in = $Excel->Workbooks->Open("$csv") or die "Excel Logfile Workbook not opened - Ensure file \"$csv\" is in the working directory\n";
my @s_ins = in $csv_in->worksheets;
my $s_in = $s_ins[0];
my $name = $csv_in->Worksheets($s_in)->{Name};
print "$s_in - sheet I'm trying to open\n";
print "$name - sheet I'm trying to open\n";
my $res_sheet = $csv_in -> Worksheets("$name");
my $last_row = $res_sheet -> UsedRange -> Find({What => "*", SearchDirection => 2, SearchOrder => 1})    -> {Row};
my $last_col = $res_sheet -> UsedRange -> Find({What => "*", SearchDirection => 2, SearchOrder => 2}) -> {Column};

my $range = "A1:".$last_col.$last_row;

my $ResReport = $Book_In -> Worksheets("ModelReserveReport");

I keep getting the following error Win32::OLE(0.1712) error 0x8002000b: "Invalid index"

I think I am either not pointing excel to the right name of the worksheet or I have the method for finding the last row and column wrong but I'm struggling to work out how to fix either. Can anyone spot my mistake?

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 26, 2018 by MicrobicTiger • edited Nov 26, 2018 by MicrobicTiger

1 Answer


I fixed this by editiing my last 6 lines of code

I made the selection on the source sheet

my $range = "A1:CZ".$last_row;

and removed the selection before pasting my data

my $ResReport = $Book_In -> Worksheets("ModelReserveReport");

The copy/paste now works.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 10, 2018 by MicrobicTiger

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