asm error: "operand type mismatch for `rol'" with multiple input operands


Environment: Debian 9.5 - gcc 6.3.0

I can't get an embedded assembly function to work when I try to use multiple InputOperands.

I have the following code working (basic rol function, 1 InputOperand, predefined rol operand):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void asm_rol(int32_t* p_rolled)
    __asm__ volatile
        ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
        "rol %0, 1;"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int32_t test = 0x1;

    printf("0x%08x\n", test);
    return 0;

This prints 0x00000002, and is the correct result of rol 0x1, 1.

Now I don't understand why the following code does not compile. I think my usage of InputOperands is bad:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void asm_rol(int32_t* p_rolled, int16_t i)
    __asm__ volatile
        ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
        "rol %0, %1;"
        :"a"(*p_rolled), "b"(i)

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int32_t test = 0x1;
    asm_rol(&test, 1);

    printf("0x%08x\n", test);
    return 0;

gcc returns with the error:

resolve.c: Assembler messages:
resolve.c:6: Error: operand type mismatch for `rol'

I tried with int8_t and int32_t for i, it does not change anything.

I must say that I'm new to embedded asm in C in this environment, I've only done some basic inline assembly with Visual Studio on Windows.

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 4, 2018 by NdFeB • edited Nov 4, 2018 by NdFeB

1 Answer


As Michael Petch said in the comments,

the only register that is allowed for a shifting instruction that controls the number of bits to shift is CL

He also provided the following solution:

void asm_rol(int32_t* p_rolled, int8_t i) {
    __asm__ volatile
        ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
        "rol %0, %1;"
        :"cI"(i) :"cc"

The c says to use the CL register (assuming you change the type of variable i to int8_t instead of int16_t. . The Capital-Eye (I) says the constraint can also be an immediate value between 0 and 32.

As Michael Petch and Peter Cordes pointed out in the comments, my code wasn't working because I was using %1 as rol operand, but the correct variable was %2. I did this mistake because I thought only the InputOperands were referenced by %#.

Some nice documentation was also provided by Michael Petch and Peter Cordes:

(...) machine constraints can be found here:… under the i386 info

There's no reason to use inline asm for rotates. Best practices for circular shift (rotate) operations in C++

When debugging inline asm, you should look at the compiler-generated asm to see what it substituted into the template. e.g. is handy: How to remove "noise" from GCC/clang assembly output?. You can even do stuff like nop # %0 %1 %2 to just see what the compiler picked for all the operands, whether you reference them in the template or not. See also for more guides and examples.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 4, 2018 by NdFeB • edited Nov 4, 2018 by NdFeB

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