I have Outlook 2016 running. The following script runs without a problem from SciTE or the command line. However, the script fails when run from Task Scheduler. Why does it fail when run from Task Scheduler? What can I do to fix this?
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
$error = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ErrFunc")
$outlook = ObjGet("", "Outlook.Application")
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Delete Pipeline Emails" & @CRLF & "Error getting an active Outlook object. Error code: " & Hex(@error, 8))
exit 1
Note: ErrFunc removed for brevity.
err.number is: 0x80020006
err.windescription: Unknown name.
err.description is:
err.source is:
err.helpfile is:
err.helpcontext is:
err.lastdllerror is: 0
err.scriptline is: -1
err.retcode is: 0x00000000
The trick is to close the Outlook process and then try ObjCreate() again. This will create a process but no window. To show a window, the simplest solution is to run outlook.exe.
$outlook = ObjGet("", "Outlook.Application")
if @error then
$outlook = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
if @error then
$outlook = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
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