What I've (accidentally) made is an assembly program that echoes any input, no matter how long. As soon as I hit enter, the line I typed appears a second time, and there appears to be no return value.
set 0x00ffff00,r15 ! Initialize the stack reg
set 0x00ffff00,r3
set 0x00ffff04,r4
getCharacter: loop:
load [r3],r5 ! r5 := serial status word
btst 0x00000001,r5 ! if status[charAvail] == 0 then
be getCharacter ! go to getCharacter
load [r4],r2 ! Get the character
store r2,[r15+4] ! put the character in the result position
ret ! return the character
What I'm trying to do is similar, but I need it to read an input character, then return it without any echoes or prompts. I don't know if this is the right way to go about asking this question (my code isn't runnable without blitz to my knowledge), but I haven't found any other good resources for assembly.
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