EF 4 Data Provider


When I have ABP 1.0.0 try to create a DBContext for me that is based on the Teradata.Client.Provider and .Entity, I get the below exception. The problem, Teradata says, is that their client is based on EF 4. They will never support EF 6 since they are focusing on EFCore 2.1.

Yes, I should rehost my website on the latest Abp and use .NETCore and I will next year. In the mean time, is it possible in my ABP 1.0.0 solution to use both EF 4 and EF 6? Abp.EntityFramwork doesn't seem to like it.

What's involved in wrapping the Teradata client into something that Abp is happy with?

System.InvalidOperationException HResult=0x80131509 Message=The 'Instance' member of the Entity Framework provider type 'Teradata.Client.Entity.TdProviderServices, Teradata.Client.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=76b417ee2e04956c' did not return an object that inherits from 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Common.DbProviderServices'. Entity Framework providers must inherit from this class and the 'Instance' member must return the singleton instance of the provider. This may be because the provider does not support Entity Framework 6 or later; see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=260882 for more information.

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 2, 2018 by John Mc

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