I have dummy web service with URL: which return data in JSON I want to call this service using WINInet APi in mql.Can anybody help me how to use contruct "HttpSendRequest" method to add header and data to call this service?
Get the access token from the server by enter all the required data in the call body. URL:
Below is my code. Please guide me how to do it correctly. Thanks
#import "Wininet.dll"
int InternetOpenW(string name, int config, string, string, int);
int InternetConnectW(int hopen, string, int, string, string, int, int, int);
int HttpRequestW(int hconnect, string, string, int, string, int, string, int);
int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);
bool InternetReadFile(int, uchar &sBuffer[], int, int& OneInt);
bool InternetCloseHandle(int); [enter image description here][1]
int HttpOpenRequestA(int, string, string, string, string, string& AcceptTypes[], int, int);
bool HttpSendRequestA(int, string, int, string, int);
#import "kernel32.dll"
int GetLastError(void);
is the header and body data correct?
int init()
string headers = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
string data = "{\"username\":\"admin@admin.com\",\"password\":\"111111\",\"grant_type\":\"password\"}";
string acceptTypes[1] = {"*/*"};
int httpconnect=0;
int HttpRequest =0;
int httpopen = Wininet::InternetOpenW("Phoenix_API", 0, " "," ",0 );
int e=kernel32::GetLastError();
printf("HttpOpen=0 = "+httpopen+", "+e);
if (e==0)
Base on the picture, am i code it correct to connect it?
httpconnect = Wininet::InternetConnectW(httpopen, "", 5002, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 1);
printf("httpconnect=0 = "+httpconnect+", "+e);
if (e==0)
HttpRequest = HttpOpenRequestA(httpconnect, "POST", "/token", NULL, NULL, acceptTypes, 0, 1);
printf("HttpRequest = "+HttpRequest+", "+e);
if (e==0)
bool A = HttpSendRequestA(HttpRequest, headers, StringLen(headers), "", 0);
printf("A = "+A+", "+e);
i get a dummy message DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
//--- Define buffers
uchar ch[512]={0,0,0,0};
string temp="";
//--- Retrieve data from file
int cnt=0;
if(cnt<=0) break;
MessageBox(temp, "HTTP READ:", 0x00000030);
//--- Close connection
if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest);
if (httpconnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(httpconnect);
if (httpopen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(httpopen);
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