I am currently working on a 2D SFML game and I am getting an access violation that i can't seem to wrap my head around. I am getting the error while creating my SpriteManager
sf::Sprite *SpriteManager::getSprite(const std::string &name){
auto it = Sprites.find(name);
if (it == Sprites.end())
sf::Sprite *sp = NULL;
sf::Texture tex;
if (tex.loadFromFile(name))
{ //Access violation reading location
sp->setTexture(tex); //Get Access Violation here
setSprite(name, sp);
else {
return NULL;
delete tex;
return sp;
return it->second;
The objective here is to call getSprite("filename")
and it should check if it is already in my unordered array of Sprites, if not it should create/load the texture, assign it to the sprite, add the sprite to the array and return it.
The exact exception thrown is:
Exception thrown at 0x0F314626 (sfml-graphics-d-2.dll) in Game.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000000FC.
I am referencing this youtube tutorial and converting it to SFML. https://youtu.be/9pQ99zLKDx0?t=10m20s
I also get all kinds of other errors concerning this sf::Texture tex
. If I remove the sp->setTexture(tex);
line i get an access writing violation at tex.loadFromFile(name)
I am still fairly new to programming and I do not have much experience troubleshooting access violations. I appreciate the help.
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