I think I am on the right track with this, but coming across something that I'll be honest is stumping me.
I have a table with Geography so for now, until Geo support comes to EFCore I am building my own SQL Query for a particular table. It's actually a search so it builds dynamically based on a set of query params that can be passed to an end point.
Because of this, I use reflection to iterate over a DTO and build a SQL query based on what properties have values. I am returning a Tuple from my query builder which contains a List<SqlParameter>
and List<string>
, the latter being the raw sql and the former being the params.
I then do an aggregate to put this all together.
I am getting the following issue:
//This is inside my SQL Param builder method which returns a
//Tuple of sqlQuery and sqlParams
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Municipality))
sqlQuery.Add("Municipality LIKE %@Municipality%");
sqlParams.Add(new SqlParameter("@Municipality", search.Municipality));
//Thi lines aggregates the result to build a SELECT * FROM query
sql = sqlParams.Item2.Aggregate(sql, (current, t) => current + " AND " + t);
//This executes the query
return DbSet.FromSql(sql, sqlParams.Item1.ToArray()).ToListAsync();
//This is the generated SQL string that is printed from the sql variable above
SELECT * FROM AirportData WHERE Municipality LIKE %@Municipality%
//This is the error I get from EFCore
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Incorrect syntax near '@Municipality'.
I am just using 1 param for now to get this working.
Any thoughts on why it's not converting the SQL Param into a value for the query? Am I totally off base here? Thanks in advance for looking and any suggestions?
The error is not from EF Core, but SqlServer because %@Municipality%
is not a valid SQL expression.
It should be something like '%' + @Municipality + '%'
or N'%' + @Municipality + N'%'
, so modify you SQL builder accordingly, e.g.
sqlQuery.Add("Municipality LIKE '%' + @Municipality+ '%'");
I guess EF core not support directly sqlparameter so i using sample this. FromSql(string,params object[])
string : sql query
params : sql parameters (@key or {0})
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand
CommandText = @"SELECT DISTINCT * FROM F_SearchQuery(@keys)"
SqlParameter k = new SqlParameter("@keys", keys ?? (object)DBNull.Value);
return _repositoryCustom.JobSearchQuering.FromSql(command.CommandText, k).ToList();
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