windowservice DLL zkemkeeper visual studio 2017 C#


when i run the service i have this exception:"System.IO.FileNotFoundException" in my windows service i call a class that in a dll ,added to refrences of projets.and when i instance a object from this class i have this exception.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException : 'La récupération de la fabrique de classes COM pour le composant avec le CLSID {00853A19-BD51-419B-9269-2DABE57EB61F} a échoué en raison de l'erreur suivante : 8007007e Le module spécifié est introuvable. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x8007007E).'

asked on Stack Overflow Jul 24, 2018 by taha • edited Jul 24, 2018 by taha

1 Answer


First of all open folder that contains all your dll's and if there is file with Auto-install_sdk then run it as command prompt with administrator.

If not then follow the steps below:

Try to register your zkemkeepr.dll and all other dll's that related with zkemkeeper

Open Command prompt with Run As Administrator and type

If your use x86 then

regsvr32 %windir%\System32\zkemkeeper.dll

If you use x64 then

regsvr32 %windir%\SysWOW64\zkemkeeper.dll


Go to the folder where all your dll(s) are stored and create a .batch file with following content

1) If you use x86

cd /d %~dp0
copy .\*.dll %windir%\System32\
regsvr32 %windir%\System32\zkemkeeper.dll

2) If you used x64

cd /d %~dp0
copy .\*.dll %windir%\SysWOW64\
regsvr32 %windir%\SysWOW64\zkemkeeper.dll

And run above batch file in command prompt s administrator.

Try once may it help you

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 24, 2018 by er-sho • edited Jul 24, 2018 by er-sho

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