Using Reflection on a referenced class library


I Have A class Library

    namespace LabelFieldsCalc
public class LabelFields
    // public string "--";
    public string BARCODE128(LabelCarton carton)
        return "01" + carton.EanTun
            + "3102" + carton.WeightBarcode.ToString()
            + "13" + carton.ItemProdnDate.ToString()
            + "21" + carton.EstNO.ToString() + carton.StationNum.ToString() + carton.ItemSerial.ToString() + "9";
    public string BARCODE128HR(LabelCarton carton)
        return "(01)" + carton.EanTun
            + "(3102)" + carton.WeightBarcode.ToString()
            + "(13)" + carton.ItemProdnDate.ToString()
            + "(21)" + carton.EstNO.ToString() + carton.StationNum.ToString() + carton.ItemSerial.ToString() + "9";
    public string BARCODE13PRICE(LabelCarton carton)
        var LvTempEan = carton.ProdExtraKey4.Substring(1, 8);
        var LcPrice = (carton.Price1 * 100).ToString(">>>>");
        int moddigit = ModuloDigit(LvTempEan + LcPrice);
        return LvTempEan + LcPrice;

    private int ModuloDigit(string v)
        //int k = v.Length;
        int tot1 = 0;
        int tot2 = 0;
        for (int i = v.Length; i < 0; i -= 2)
            tot1 += Convert.ToInt16(v.Substring(i, 1));
        tot1 *= 3;
        for (int i = v.Length - 1; i < 0; i -= 2)
            tot2 += Convert.ToInt16(v.Substring(i, 1));

        tot1 += tot2;

        int k = (tot1.ToString().Length);
        int m = Convert.ToInt16(tot1.ToString().Substring(k, 1));
        if (m == 0)
            return 0;
        return 10 - m;

that is referenced in a project

I can get at the methods if I do

        LabelFields lv = new LabelFields();
        string value = lv.BARCODE128HR(LL);

But what I actually need to do is to use reflection so that I can decide which method I to use to calculate value at run time

What I have tried is

        Type type = typeof(LabelFields);
        object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        string res2 = (string)type.InvokeMember("BARCODE128HR", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, obj, mParam);

this gives me

  Message=Attempted to access a missing member.

What am I missing to get the reflection working

asked on Stack Overflow Jul 11, 2018 by Garth Dimond

1 Answer


Why do you need reflection in the first place? Once you instantiated your obj type of LabelFields, you can call its methods directly.

   Type type = typeof(LabelFields);
   LabelFields obj = (LabelFields)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

Edit: Your method name is a parameter coming from outside. I'd suggest using an enumeration and a switch:

public enum MethodNames {
   BARCODE128HR, etc

/// later
LabelFields obj = new LabelFields();
string lv = "";
switch (MethodName) {
  case MethodNames.BARCODE128:
       lv = obj.BARCODE128HR(mParam);
  ///and the rest
answered on Stack Overflow Jul 11, 2018 by PepitoSh • edited Jul 11, 2018 by PepitoSh

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