Stack Overflow occurs when controller is accessed

public ActionResult Index()
    var users = db.Users.Include(u => u.Users1).Include(u => u.User1);
    return View(users.ToList());

Created an MVC / Entity project in Visual Studio, DB first. Created two controllers, one named Users, the other named Tasks. The page views for Tasks works fine but whenever I try to access the User view pages, I experience this stack overflow.

Application Insights Telemetry (unconfigured): {"name":"Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Dev.Request","time":"2018-06-03T17:26:09.6757730Z","tags":{"":"DESKTOP-2V3VGT6","":"lH/a0kZkKsE=","":"GET Tasks/Index","ai.location.ip":"::1","ai.internal.sdkVersion":"web:2.5.1-195","ai.internal.nodeName":"DESKTOP-2V3VGT6"},"data":{"baseType":"RequestData","baseData":{"ver":2,"id":"|lH/a0kZkKsE=.82dfa1d2_","name":"GET Tasks/Index","duration":"00:00:04.4166410","success":true,"responseCode":"200","url":"http://localhost:62166/Tasks","properties":{"DeveloperMode":"true","_MS.ProcessedByMetricExtractors":"(Name:'Requests', Ver:'1.0')"}}}} An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

The program '[7192] iisexpress.exe' has exited with code -2147023895 (0x800703e9).

Full trace at:

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 3, 2018 by alanofranco • edited Jun 3, 2018 by (unknown user)

1 Answer


First remove the second include statement and see what the error is after that. If that doesnt work you could try a Select Where expression like this. Add the ToList() to the variable and not the return. Moving the ToList() wont make a different but makes it easier to debug.

public ActionResult Index()
        var users = db.Users.Select().Where(u => u.Users1).ToList();
        return View(users);
answered on Stack Overflow Jun 3, 2018 by Zander

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