Unity+Firebase-Database[Error] WebSocket: ws_0 - could not connect


I cant seem to figure out a working solution to this error, more complete:

018-06-01 10:33:09 PM [Error] WebSocket: ws_0 - could not connect System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No route to host

2018-06-01 10:33:09 PM [Error] WebSocket: ws_0 - WebSocketException during handshake Firebase.Database.Internal.TubeSock.WebSocketException: unknown host: ########.firebaseio.com ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No route to host

Take note, the above errors repeat a few times every second, with ws_# incrementing by one each time

Unity 2018.1.1f1

Firebase-Database: Whatever is newest, got a few days ago

Bit of code:

void Start() {
    FirebaseApp.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose;
    FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose; // Or your database instance, if not using the default.

    FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => {
        var dependencyStatus = task.Result;
        if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available) {
            FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
            // NOTE: You'll need to replace this url with your Firebase App's database
            // path in order for the database connection to work correctly in editor.
            if (app.Options.DatabaseUrl != null) app.SetEditorDatabaseUrl(app.Options.DatabaseUrl);
        } else {
                "Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: {0}", dependencyStatus));
            // Firebase Unity SDK is not safe to use here.

Below is my attempt to access the firebase database

DatabaseReference mDatabaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference;
staticLocalData.thisUser = new UserData();
staticLocalData.thisUser.userID = newUser.UserId;
staticLocalData.thisUser.email = email;
staticLocalData.thisUser.firstName = firstName;
staticLocalData.thisUser.lastName = lastName;
registerData temp = new registerData();
temp.firstName = firstName;
temp.lastName = lastName;
temp.email = email;
temp.userName = userName;


Ruleset: (Should allow for all)

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true

Additional notes:

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 1, 2018 by N1T3SLAY3R • edited Jun 5, 2018 by N1T3SLAY3R

2 Answers



Unity Editor 2018.2.5f1 on OSX Sierra 10.12.6

scripting Runtime 4.x

scripting backend IL2CPP

API Level 4.x

Firebase plugin version 5.2.1

This exact same problem was happening. This seemed to be related to the Mono Websocket implementations, as discussed in more detail on the following issues:



The Firebase dev team went around what is described there by providing their own native websocket implementations for each platform. Apparently the Unity Editor implementation is lagging behind.

The way to workaround this issue here was by disabling the FirebaseDatabase.dll under ../Firebase/Plugins/Mono/ for the editor platform, and then enabling the one FirebaseDatabase.dll directly under ../Firebase/Plugins/ instead.

So far, so good.

answered on Stack Overflow Sep 13, 2018 by paulomuggler • edited Nov 15, 2018 by paulomuggler

It is fixed in new firebase_sdk_v6.2.1 July release

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 17, 2019 by Anjuman noor

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