[Atollic Truestudio][STM32] "Load Failed" while GDB download/debug using CMSIS-pack/Components


I am trying to use CMSIS-pack with my new F103 project. Until now, I was using auto-generated project structure, just moving some files elsewhere and everything worked fine. Now with CMSIS-pack, although the code is successfully compiled, I get some "Load Failed" error during downloading the .elf into the MCU. I run auto-generated debug configuration, same as for all of my previous projects. I am using ST-link and with GDB-server. Here's the error:

Failure at line:13 in 'Target Software Startup Scripts'. Please edit the debug configuration settings.

Load Failed

Debug logs:

[0.000] init():  Atollic TrueSTUDIO gdbserver for ST-Link. Version 4.2.2 (WIN32 2018-02-26 16:20:21 15675)
[1.229] reset_hw_wtchpt_module():  Hardware watchpoint supported by the target 
[1.233] createFlashParams():  STM32 device: Flash size =1024
[1.335] STM32_AppReset():  Enter STM32_AppReset() function 
[1.440] STM32_AppReset():  NVIC_DFSR_REG = 0x00000009
[1.441] STM32_AppReset():  NVIC_CFGFSR_REG = 0x00000000
[1.442] STM32_AppReset():  XPSR = 0x01000000
[1.442] Device_Initialise():  ST_LINK Major version =2 Jtag version =27
[1.442] Device_Initialise():  ST_LINK VID=1155 PID=14155
[1.442] Device_Initialise():  ST_LINK device status: HALT_MODE
[1.442] Device_Initialise():  ST_LINK detects target voltage =3.26 Volt
[1.443] initServerContext():  ST-Link device initialization OK
[1.445] WaitConnection():  Waiting for connection on port 61234...
[2.028] WaitConnection():  Accepted connection on port 61234...
[2.028] Device_GetStatus():  ST_LINK device status: HALT_MODE
[2.045] handlePacket():  Reading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0x8006b54 
[2.045] handlePacket():  Reading 0x2 bytes of memory from addr 0x8006b54 
[2.069] handlePacket():  Reading 0x20 bytes of memory from addr 0xe00fffd0 
[2.071] handlePacket():  Reading 0x2 bytes of memory from addr 0x807a 
[2.071] handlePacket():  Reading 0x2 bytes of memory from addr 0x807e 
[2.084] STM32_AppReset():  Enter STM32_AppReset() function 
[2.189] STM32_AppReset():  NVIC_DFSR_REG = 0x00000009
[2.190] STM32_AppReset():  NVIC_CFGFSR_REG = 0x00000000
[2.191] STM32_AppReset():  XPSR = 0x01000000
[2.755] handlePacket():  Reading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0xffffffff 
[2.755] handlePacket():  Reading 0x4 bytes of memory from addr 0xffffffff 
[2.930] handlePacket():  Reading 0x40 bytes of memory from addr 0x8006b40 
[2.932] handlePacket():  Reading 0x40 bytes of memory from addr 0x8006b80 
[6.065] STM32_AppReset():  Enter STM32_AppReset() function 
[6.170] STM32_AppReset():  NVIC_DFSR_REG = 0x00000009
[6.171] STM32_AppReset():  NVIC_CFGFSR_REG = 0x00000000
[6.172] STM32_AppReset():  XPSR = 0x01000000

Any ideas why can't it download the code, while the same configurations work for all my projects without Components/CMSIS-pack?

Regards, Patryk

asked on Stack Overflow May 31, 2018 by mopsiok

2 Answers


There is only one solution that i found since 3 days: uninstall 9.3.0 Atollic true studio version and install Version 9.0.1. After that you can not receive like that error. Some versions have problem with some boards...

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 17, 2020 by Ali

Looking at the differences in the build generated files of a CMSIS auto-generated project file and a CubeMx generated project I noticed that there are differences in the .list file. The isr_vector is not listed.

If you check this section You will notice that there is something that is missing in the new auto-generated project. It is the startup files for your device.

In the RTEconfig object within your project tree there is a way to include the device startup files by ticking:


After adding this to the RTE Components selector and saving the changes, you will find in your project tree the files

  • the "CMSIS system and clock configuration file" RTE>Device>STM32F103C8>system_stm32f10x.c

  • the "CMSIS Device Peripheral Access header" stm32f10x.h will be included

  • and so the "CMSIS System and clock configuration header" file startup_stm32f10x.h

I am afraid that in the initial and the only available version nowadays, v1.0.0, the "CMSIS Device Startup Interrupt Vectors" file startup_stm32f10x.s is not added in any way to the project.

The way I fixed it was by adding the startup_stm32f10x.s and STM32F103C8_FLASH.ld files from a CubeMx Generated project.

The STM32F103C8_FLASH.ld location has to be added to project>C/C++ Build>Settings>C Linker>General>Linker script

I copied the startup_stm32f10x.s file to the RTE>Device>STM32F103C8 folder

Doing so, recompiling the code and starting a debug session you will get as expected a normal debugging session. This is only a provisional solution but I hope that I may help someone.

answered on Stack Overflow May 30, 2019 by Jubeor

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