This question was labeled as off-topic "Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself..."
I have made a GitHub repo linked below with my two broken attempts at BiCGStab (with errors coming from *_analysis cuSparse functions). Since this must not be minimal enough, I have stripped everything which happens after the errors and included the code here. Since there are no fortran-to-c CUDA bindings (written in fortran) provided by NVidia, this example must include the interface module.
Desired behavior: Not having a CUSPARSE_INTERNAL_ERROR returned from cuSparse analysis routines so that I can implement BiCGStab in fortran.
Specific error: CUSPARSE_INTERNAL_ERROR, when run with cuda-memcheck, this simplified example returns the second error posted below (32 instances of read of size 4 in convert_CsrToCoo is out of bounds)
module cuda_cusolve_map_reduced
! cudaMemset
integer (c_int) function cudaMemset( devPtr,value, count ) &
bind (C, name="cudaMemset" )
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type (c_ptr),value :: devPtr
integer(c_int), value :: value
integer(c_size_t), value :: count
end function cudaMemset
! cudaMalloc
integer (c_int) function cudaMalloc ( buffer, size ) &
bind (C, name="cudaMalloc" )
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type (c_ptr) :: buffer
integer (c_size_t), value :: size
end function cudaMalloc
integer (c_int) function cudaMemcpy ( dst, src, count, kind ) &
bind (C, name="cudaMemcpy" )
! note: cudaMemcpyHostToDevice = 1
! note: cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost = 2
! note: cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice = 3
use iso_c_binding
type (c_ptr), value :: dst, src
integer (c_size_t), value :: count, kind
end function cudaMemcpy
! cudaFree
integer (c_int) function cudaFree(buffer) bind(C, name="cudaFree")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type (c_ptr), value :: buffer
end function cudaFree
integer (c_int) function cudaMemGetInfo(fre, tot) &
bind(C, name="cudaMemGetInfo")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr),value :: fre
type(c_ptr),value :: tot
end function cudaMemGetInfo
integer(c_int) function cusparseCreate(cusparseHandle) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
end function cusparseCreate
integer(c_int) function cudaStreamCreate(stream) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
end function cudaStreamCreate
integer(c_int) function cusolverSpSetStream(handle,stream) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr),value :: handle
type(c_ptr),value :: stream
end function cusolverSpSetStream
integer(c_int) function cusparseSetStream(cusparseHandle,stream) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr),value :: cusparseHandle
type(c_ptr),value :: stream
end function cusparseSetStream
integer(c_int) function cusparseCreateMatDescr(descrA) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr):: descrA
end function cusparseCreateMatDescr
integer(c_int) function cusparseSetMatType2(descrA,CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value:: descrA
integer(c_int),value :: CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE
end function cusparseSetMatType2
integer(c_int) function cusparseSetMatIndexBase2(descrA,CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value:: descrA
integer(c_int),value :: CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE
end function cusparseSetMatIndexBase2
integer(c_int) function cusparseSetMatFillMode(descrA,CUSPARSE_FILL_TYPE) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value:: descrA
integer(c_int),value :: CUSPARSE_FILL_TYPE
end function cusparseSetMatFillMode
integer(c_int) function cusparseSetMatDiagType(descrA,CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value:: descrA
integer(c_int),value :: CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE
end function cusparseSetMatDiagType
integer(c_int) function cudaDeviceSynchronize() bind(C,name="cudaDeviceSynchronize")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
end function cudaDeviceSynchronize
integer(c_int) function cusparseDestroy(cusparseHandle) bind(C,name="cusparseDestroy")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
end function cusparseDestroy
integer(c_int) function cudaStreamDestroy(stream) bind(C,name="cudaStreamDestroy")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr),value :: stream
end function cudaStreamDestroy
integer(c_int) function cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrA) bind(C,name="cusparseDestroyMatDescr")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value:: descrA
end function cusparseDestroyMatDescr
integer(c_int) function cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo(info) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr) :: info
end function cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo
integer(c_int) function cusparseDcsrsv_analysis(handle,transA, &
m,nnz,descrA,csrValA,csrRowPtrA,csrColIndA,info) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value :: handle
integer(c_int), value :: transA
integer(c_int), value :: m
integer(c_int),value :: nnz
type(c_ptr), value :: descrA
type(c_ptr) :: csrValA
type(c_ptr) :: csrRowPtrA
type(c_ptr) :: csrColIndA
type(c_ptr), value :: info
end function cusparseDcsrsv_analysis
integer(c_int) function cusparseDestroySolveAnalysisInfo(info) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
end function cusparseDestroySolveAnalysisInfo
end interface
end module cuda_cusolve_map_reduced
program main
implicit none
integer n,inz,i
parameter (n=5)
parameter (inz=13)
double precision x(n),x_known(n),rhs(n),b(inz)
integer ib(n+1),jb(inz)
write(*,'(A)') 'Setting up test system'
b(1) = 1.0d0;b(2) = 1.0d0;b(3) = 5.0d0;b(4) = 2.0d0
b(5) = 1.0d0;b(6) = 3.0d0;b(7) = 2.0d0;b(8) = 1.0d0
b(9) = 6.0d0;b(10) = 3.0d0;b(11) = 1.0d0;b(12) = 2.0d0
b(13) = 1.0d0
rhs(1) = 1.0d0;rhs(2) = 2.0d0;rhs(3) = 1.0d0
rhs(4) = 3.0d0;rhs(5) = 0.0d0
ib(1) = 1;ib(2) = 5;ib(3) = 7
ib(4) = 9;ib(5) = 12;ib(6) = 14
jb(1) = 1;jb(2) = 2;jb(3) = 4;jb(4) = 5
jb(5) = 2;jb(6) = 3;jb(7) = 2;jb(8) = 3
jb(9) = 1;jb(10) = 3;jb(11) = 4;jb(12) = 4
jb(13) = 5
x_known(1) = 0.08d0;x_known(2) = 0.2d0;x_known(3) = 0.6d0
x_known(4) = 0.72d0;x_known(5) = -1.44d0
write(*,'(A)') 'Starting iterative solve'
call cuda_BiCGStab_error(n,rhs,x,inz,ib,jb,b)
write(*,'(A)') 'Found and Known solutions'
do 23 i = 1,n
write(*,*) x(i),x_known(i)
23 continue
end program main
subroutine cuda_BiCGStab_error(n,rhs,x,inz,ib,jb,b)
use iso_c_binding
use cuda_cusolve_map_reduced
implicit none
integer n, inz
double precision x(n), rhs(n), b(inz)
target rhs,b,x
integer ib(n+1),jb(inz)
target ib,jb
integer ii,ierr,ierr2
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.d0)
type(c_ptr) :: cusparseHandle
type(c_ptr) :: stream
type(c_ptr) :: descrA
type(c_ptr) :: descrM
type(c_ptr) :: info_l
type(c_ptr) :: info_u
type(c_ptr) :: ArowsIndex
type(c_ptr) :: AcolsIndex
type(c_ptr) :: Aval
type(c_ptr) :: h_x
type(c_ptr) :: h_rhs
! -------------------- pointers to device memory
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrArowsIndex
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrAcolsIndex
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrAval
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrMrowsIndex
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrMcolsIndex
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrMval
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrX
type(c_ptr) :: devPtrF
integer*8 Arow1_i_size,Arow_d_size,Acol_d_size,Annz_i_size,Annz_d_size
integer*8 cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice
parameter (cudaMemcpyHostToDevice=1)
parameter (cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost=2)
parameter (cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice=3)
parameter (CUBLAS_OP_N=0)
parameter (CUBLAS_OP_T=1)
parameter (CUBLAS_OP_TRI=3)
ierr2 = 0
! define pointers to host memory
ArowsIndex = c_loc(ib)
AcolsIndex = c_loc(jb)
Aval = c_loc(b)
h_x = c_loc(x) ! x = A \ b
h_rhs = c_loc(rhs) ! b = ones(m,1)
! Define the CUDA stream and matrix parameters
ierr = cusparseCreate(cusparseHandle)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseCreateMatDescr(descrA)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseCreateMatDescr(descrM)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaStreamCreate(stream)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseSetStream(cusparseHandle,stream)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseSetMatType2(descrA,CUBLAS_OP_N)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseSetMatIndexBase2(descrA,CUBLAS_OP_T)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseSetMatType2(descrM,CUBLAS_OP_N)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseSetMatIndexBase2(descrM,CUBLAS_OP_T)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2.ne.0) then
write(*,'(A, I2)') 'Error during matrix setup ',ierr2
end if
write(*,*) 'Allocating GPU memory'
ierr = cudaMalloc(devPtrX,Arow_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMalloc(devPtrF,Arow_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMalloc(devPtrAval,Annz_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMalloc(devPtrAcolsIndex,Annz_i_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMalloc(devPtrArowsIndex,Arow1_i_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMalloc(devPtrMval,Annz_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2.ne.0) then
write(*,'(A, I2)') 'Error during CUDA allocation: ',ierr2
end if
write(*,*) 'Cleaning GPU memory'
ierr = cudaMemset(devPtrX,0,Arow_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemset(devPtrF,0,Arow_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemset(devPtrAval,0,Annz_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemset(devPtrAcolsIndex,0,Annz_i_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemset(devPtrArowsIndex,0,Arow1_i_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemset(devPtrMval,0,Annz_d_size)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2.ne.0) then
write(*,'(A, I3)') 'Error during CUDA memory cleaning : ',ierr2
end if
! transfer memory over to GPU
write(*,*) 'Transferring memory to GPU'
ierr = cudaMemcpy(devPtrArowsIndex,ArowsIndex,Arow1_i_size,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemcpy(devPtrAcolsIndex,AcolsIndex,Annz_i_size,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemcpy(devPtrAval,Aval,Annz_d_size,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemcpy(devPtrMval,devPtrAval,Annz_d_size,cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemcpy(devPtrX,h_x,Arow_d_size,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaMemcpy(devPtrF,h_rhs,Arow_d_size,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2 .ne. 0 ) then
write (*, '(A, I2)') " Error during cuda memcpy ", ierr2
end if
write(*,*) 'Creating analysis for LU'
ierr = cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo(info_l)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo(info_u)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2 .ne. 0 ) then
write (*, '(A, I2)') " Error during LU analysis creation ", ierr2
end if
write(*,*) 'Analyzing L of LU'
ierr = cusparseSetMatFillMode(descrM,CUBLAS_OP_N)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseSetMatDiagType(descrM,CUBLAS_OP_T)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseDcsrsv_analysis(cusparseHandle,CUBLAS_OP_N,n,inz,descrM,devPtrAval,&
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2 .ne. 0 ) then
write (*, '(A, I2)') " Error during L of LU analyzing sub2 ", ierr2
end if
ierr = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2 .ne. 0 ) then
write (*, '(A, I2)') " Error during L of LU analyzing ", ierr2
end if
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrArowsIndex)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrAcolsIndex)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrAval)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrMrowsIndex)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrMcolsIndex)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrMval)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrX)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaFree(devPtrF)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2.ne.0) then
write(*,'(A, I2)') 'Error during cudafree: ',ierr2
end if
ierr = cusparseDestroy(cusparseHandle)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cudaStreamDestroy(stream)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrA)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseDestroyMatDescr(descrM)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseDestroySolveAnalysisInfo(info_l)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
ierr = cusparseDestroySolveAnalysisInfo(info_u)
ierr2 = ierr2 + ierr
if (ierr2.ne.0) then
write(*,'(A, I2)') 'Error during cuda handle destruction: ',ierr2
end if
end subroutine cuda_BiCGStab_error
I am in the process of trying to add a CUDA implementation of the BiCGStab solver method into a legacy Fortran 77 code with the added complication of being restricted to only using a Fortran compiler (the interface to CUDA functions must be in Fortran as opposed to c/c++). The latter restriction has proven to be an extra complication, and likely the source of my problems, but my project manager is not budging on that request. I am comfortable with Fortran but effectively a novice with CUDA, so it would not surprise me in the slightest if I have missed a minor detail or have a fundamental misunderstanding.
All of my testing has been done with CUDA 9.1 Toolkit, iFort and a Tesla P4 GPU.
After successfully implementing a direct solve method using QR decomposition (effectively a translation of the CUDA sample cuSolverSp_LinearSolver.cpp into fortran), I have run into issues while attempting to implement the iterative BiCGStab method (effectively a translation of the CUDA sample pbicgstab.cpp). My first attempt at the BiCGStab comes directly from the example (using the cusparseDcsrilu0 preconditioner) and the second, meant to sanity check the first, uses the domino-scheme cusparseDcsrilu02 preconditioner routines.
In both BiCGStab cases, the analysis phases (cusparseDcsrsv_analysis for the first attempt and cusparseDcsrilu02_analysis for the second attempt) are returning a CUSPARSE_INTERNAL_ERRROR flag which I have not been able to resolve.
I have made a GitHub repo with the necessary files to form a minimum test case of both BiCGStab methods and the QR solver method using a 5x5 matrix with 13 non-zeros and a known solution. QR works, BiCGStab methods do not.
Running cuda-memcheck with the second BiCGStab attempt (cuda_BiCGStab2) results in:
========= Program hit cudaErrorInvalidValue (error 11) due to "invalid argument" on CUDA API call to cudaMemsetAsync.
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error
========= Host Frame:/usr/lib64/nvidia/libcuda.so.1 [0x332863]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0x37f511]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0x29b7fd]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x68e9]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x3334]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x1f3e]
========= Host Frame:/lib64/libc.so.6 (__libc_start_main + 0xfd) [0x1ed1d]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x1e49]
Error during csrilu02_analysis 7
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 1 error
while running cuda-memcheck on the first attempt of BiCGStab (cuda_BiCGStab) results in 32 (incrementing thread IDs) instances of
========= Invalid __global__ read of size 4
========= at 0x00000070 in void convert_CsrToCoo_kernel<int=1>(int const *, int, int, int*)
========= by thread (0,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
========= Address 0x0061e990 is out of bounds
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
========= Host Frame:/usr/lib64/nvidia/libcuda.so.1 (cuLaunchKernel + 0x2cd) [0x23c06d]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0x34dabb]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0x36ad0e]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0x2f3339]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 (cusparseXcsr2coo + 0x1fd) [0x2f355d]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0x2fa027]
========= Host Frame:/usr/local/cuda-9.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libcusparse.so.9.1 [0xc4fa4]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0xc9c0]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x2d6f]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x1f3e]
========= Host Frame:/lib64/libc.so.6 (__libc_start_main + 0xfd) [0x1ed1d]
========= Host Frame:test_cuda [0x1e49]
Error during L of LU analyzing sub2 2
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 32 errors
The latter line, "Error during ...", comes from my code and prints the returned integer from the CUDA function. Without cuda-memcheck both BiCGStab methods return a value of 7 which I have been interpreting as CUSPARSE_INTERNAL_ERROR however the first BiCGStab attempt returns a 2 when run with cuda-memcheck.
Any help in resolving this cusparse_internal_error, or frankly just diagnostics tips, would be greatly appreciated.
TL/DR: Stuck diagnosing a CUSPARSE_INTERNAL_ERROR from fortran implemented BiCGStab methods using cuSparse routines through a fortran interface. Internal_error comes from the *_analysis routines in the cuSparse library. I may have missed something small or I may have a fundamental misunderstanding. Any input/help is greatly appreciated.
Yes, buried in your original 2000+ LOC repro case at the end of a github link there is a mistake in the interface definition for cusparseDcsrsv_analysis
. It should be
integer(c_int) function cusparseDcsrsv_analysis(handle,transA, &
m,nnz,descrA,csrValA,csrRowPtrA,csrColIndA,info) &
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value :: handle
integer(c_int), value :: transA
integer(c_int), value :: m
integer(c_int),value :: nnz
type(c_ptr), value :: descrA
type(c_ptr), value :: csrValA
type(c_ptr), value :: csrRowPtrA
type(c_ptr), value :: csrColIndA
type(c_ptr), value :: info
end function cusparseDcsrsv_analysis
i.e. the device pointers require a value
attribute to be correctly passed to the C subroutine.
You may well have made this mistake elsewhere and there might other problems elsewhere in your codebase, but after fixing the glaring errors in the MCVE you edited in your question, I could get a modified version of that repro case to run correctly.
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