getaddrinfo throws exception


The above socket call is throwing an exception. Here's the code snippet :

if (!getaddrinfo((PCSTR)serverHost.c_str(), (PCSTR)serverPort, &hints, &result))
    return false;

Looks like the problem is with the result struct.

This is how I defined it - struct addrinfo *result = NULL;

I've defined and implemented this exactly as mentioned in the msdn page, but still see issues.

Here's the exception:

Exception thrown at 0x76406783 (KernelBase.dll) in AnandServer.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000050

My understanding was the getaddrinfo function populates the result structure with values.

Any pointers on where the issue could be.

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 24, 2018 by Omi • edited Apr 24, 2018 by Vishaal Shankar

1 Answer


Your use of result appears to be correct.

Did you perhaps define int serverPort = 80 (or some other integer type), instead of as a string? That would be consistent with you getting an Access Violation trying to read from address 0x00000050 (80 in decimal).

The second parameter of getaddrinfo() expects a null-terminated string containing the service name, which can be a port number in textual format. You need to pass in an actual string, DO NOT simply type-cast an integer to a char* pointer.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 24, 2018 by Alnitak • edited Apr 24, 2018 by Remy Lebeau

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