How to add Elements to IVector which is bound to XAML from another thread


I am currently working on a Windows 10 UWP C++ project under Visual Studio Community 2017 for Windows 10 version 10.0.16299.0.

The following procedure: I have a TCP server running on my computer, which sends a message to the connected clients at certain events. The project I am working on now has my TCPClient, which receives the message and should display the values in the UI.

In the MainPage constructor I create a std:: thread which calls my "clientThread" function. In this function, I instantiate an object of my client class. As soon as I have connected to the server, I create a new std:: thread which executes an endless loop. This loop calls the "processPacketType" function, which simply calls a switch and asks if the received packet is a ChatMessage packet or not. If so, the message is retrieved.

Now to my problem: The MainPage class has a private AudioSessionViewModel object from my created class, which returns an IVector^. Now I would like to extend the Vector with the message I received. With my "processPacketType"function, I just want to instantiate a new object of my AudioSession class and add it to the vector (which I passed from thread to thread as a reference). However, I get the following error message: Exception raised on 0x778B08C2 in SoundManager - Client. exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Platform:: InvalidCastException ^ for storage location 0x0F15EC3C. HRESULT: 0x80004002 Interface not supported WinRT information: Interface not supported

The funny thing is: My processPacketType function is called from my endless loop. If I pass the newly created object to the vector outside the loop, it works. But if I do it myself in the loop, the error message comes up.

The problem is really hard to explain, but I hope you understand what I need.

namespace SoundManager___Client {
    public ref class MainPage sealed {

        property AudioSessionViewModel^ ViewModel {
            AudioSessionViewModel^ get() { return this->viewModel; };

        AudioSessionViewModel^ viewModel;

#include "pch.h"
#include "MainPage.xaml.h"

using namespace SoundManager___Client;

using namespace Platform;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Data;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Input;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Media;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation;

void createClient(AudioSessionViewModel^ audioSessionViewModel);

MainPage::MainPage() {

    this->viewModel = ref new AudioSessionViewModel();

    std::thread client(createClient, this->viewModel);

void createClient(AudioSessionViewModel^ audioSessionViewModel) {
    Client myClient("", 1111, audioSessionViewModel);

    std::string buffer;

    while (true) {

namespace SoundManager___Client {
    bool Client::processPacketType(const PacketType _packetType, AudioSessionViewModel^ audioSessionViewModel) {
        switch (_packetType) {
        case PacketType::ChatMessage: {
            std::string message;
            if (!getString(message))
                return false;

            audioSessionViewModel->AudioSessions->Append(ref new AudioSession(L"Test", L"20")); //<--------- Here I get the error

            OutputDebugString(L"Unrecognized PacketType.\n");
        return true;

    void Client::clientThread(Client &_client, AudioSessionViewModel^ audioSessionViewModel) {
        PacketType packetType;
        //If I put the code to add the element over here, it works. But it doesn't inside the while loop or in the processPacketType which get called inside the loop
        while (true) {
            if (_client.mTerminateThreads == true)

            if (!_client.getPacketType(packetType))

            if (!_client.processPacketType(packetType, audioSessionViewModel))

        OutputDebugString(L"Lost connection to the server.\n");
        _client.mTerminateThreads = true;
        if (!_client.closeConnection())
            OutputDebugString(L"Socket to the server was closed successfully.\n");
            OutputDebugString(L"Socket was not able to be closed.\n");

#pragma once

#include <sstream>

namespace SoundManager___Client {
    public ref class AudioSession sealed {
        Platform::String^ sessionName;
        Platform::String^ sessionVolume;

        AudioSession(Platform::String^ sessionName, Platform::String^ sessionVolume) : sessionName{ sessionName }, sessionVolume{ sessionVolume } { }

        property Platform::String^ SessionName {
            Platform::String^ get() { return this->sessionName; }
        property Platform::String^ SessionVolume {
            Platform::String^ get() { return this->sessionVolume; }
        property Platform::String^ OneLineSummary {
            Platform::String^ get() {
                std::wstringstream wstringstream;
                wstringstream << this->SessionName->Data();
                wstringstream << this->SessionVolume->Data();
                return ref new Platform::String(wstringstream.str().c_str());

    public ref class AudioSessionViewModel sealed {
        Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<AudioSession^>^ audioSessions;

        AudioSessionViewModel() {
            this->audioSessions = ref new Platform::Collections::Vector<AudioSession^>();

            AudioSession^ audioSession = ref new AudioSession(L"MASTER", L"100");
            audioSession = ref new AudioSession(L"CHROME", L"50");

        property Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<AudioSession^>^ AudioSessions {
            Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<AudioSession^>^ get() { return this->audioSessions; }

Solution-Update: I finally figured out how to call the dispatcher in C++/CX:

Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplication::MainView->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->RunAsync(Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, ref new Windows::UI::Core::DispatchedHandler([this]() {


And now I finally understood why my call worked, but only outside the loop:

I assume at least that the call from the std:: thread executes the first execution in the UI thread and only when it reaches the .detach(), the code is executed in the new thread. If I am wrong, I ask for correction in the comments!

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 13, 2018 by CaptTaifun • edited Mar 14, 2018 by CaptTaifun

2 Answers


i think the problem is that your adding items to AudioSessions from the background thread while its bounded to xaml; To change the UI you need to be in the UI Threads. Use Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync to get in the UI thread and then add it to the collection

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 13, 2018 by Dave Smits

Updated the main post with the solution and an explanation!

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 14, 2018 by CaptTaifun

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