Host Service to receive notifications from Web Service in UWP


I'll explain my use case that I'm trying to solve which will give you clear picture of what I need?

We have a web service hosted on a device and I'm able to consume the API's exposed by the service through the wsdl files that they share. But for some features we need to host a service that implements one particular interface from their exposed wsdl.

I have to host a service and send the URL in the one of the subscription call API to the service.

If I host a service with a class implementing that contract then the web service on the device sends notifications to my self hosted service and i can catch the response.

Now I couldn't host a service with a class object that implements that contract, those all can be done using ServiceHost class from "System.ServiceModel" which is not available in UWP.

I need alternative to ServiceHost to achieve the above use case.

One approach that I tried is adding a .NET standard project and a Win Runtime Project under same UWP app solution.

I added Runtime component proj reference in UWP project and .NET standard project reference in Win Runtime Component Proj.

I can now target the .NET standard project to target .net framework as well by changing the .csproj file and now could access ServiceHost, but at runtime

I get System.TypeLoadException for including ServiceHost indirectly.

System.TypeLoadException HResult=0x80131522 Message=Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. Source=ClassLibrary StackTrace: at ClassLibrary.Class1.HostLocalService() in C:\Users\ssiddhardha\source\repos\App3\ClassLibrary\Class1.cs:line 15 at RuntimeComponent1.Class1.WrapperHost() in C:\Users\ssiddhardha\source\repos\App3\RuntimeComponent1\Class1.cs:line 15 at App3.MainPage.OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) in C:\Users\ssiddhardha\source\repos\App3\App3\MainPage.xaml.cs:line 34

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 6, 2018 by SiD • edited Mar 9, 2018 by SiD

1 Answer


The ServiceHost class is not available in .Net Standard 2.0. You could see:

So, you could not use it in your UWP project. If you have to use this API, you could think about using Brokered Windows Runtime Components for a side-loaded UWP app.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 9, 2018 by Xie Steven

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