For one project of mine I require reliable detection of intersection between two tetrahedrons in 3D space. I do not need the points/lines/faces just to know if intersection is present or not. Touching is considered intersection too but common triangle face is not considered as intersection. After quite a struggle to achieve this as fast as possible my solution boiled to this horribility:
let have tetrahedrons v0,v1
each tetrahedron has 4 triangles t[4]
where each triangle has 3 points p0,p1,p2
and normal vector n
compute planes of all 4 sides of both tetrahedrons
so any point p
on plane is given by equation
dot(p,n) + d = 0
where n
is normal of the plane. As that is known this boils to computing d
D0[i] = -dot(v0.t[i].p0,v0.t[i].n)
D1[i] = -dot(v1.t[i].p0,v1.t[i].n)
i = { 0,1,2,3 }
for each triangle of each tetrahedron
test any combination of triangle vs triangle intersection between v0,v1
so just loop between all 16 combinations and use triangle vs triangle intersection.
The triangle v0.t[i]
vs triangle v1.t[j]
intersection boils down to this:
compute intersection between planes
this is obviously ray (for non parallel planes) so simple cross product of the plane normals will give the ray direction
dir = cross(v0.t[i].n,v1.t[j].n)
now it is just matter of finding intersection point belonging to both planes. Exploiting determinant computation directly from the cross product of the normals the ray computation is like this:
// determinants
// position
pos = d0*cross(dir,v1.t[j].n) + d1*cross(v0.t[i].n,dir);
for more info see:
compile signed distance intervals of triangle ray intersection for each triangle
so simply compute intersection between ray and each edge line of triangle remembering min and max distance from pos
. We do not need the actual point just the scalar distance from pos
which is the parameter returned by line/ray intersection.
check if ranges of both triangles overlaps or not
if overlaps than v0,v1
intersect ... if no overlap occurs for all of the 16 tests than v0,v1
does not intersect.
As you can see it is a lot of stuff to compute. My linear algebra and vector math knowledge is very limited to things I use so there is a high chance there might be much better approach for this. I tried a lot of things to ease up this without any luck (like using bbox,bsphere, using more simple test exploiting that both ray and triangle edges are on the same plane etc) but the result was either slower or even wrong (not counting edge cases correctly).
Here my actual C++ implementation:
bool tetrahedrons::intersect_lin_ray(double *a0,double *a1,double *b0,double *db,double &tb)
int i0,i1;
double da[3],ta,q;
vector_sub(da,a1,a0); ta=0.0; tb=0.0; i0=0; i1=1;
if (fabs(da[i0])+fabs(db[i0])<=_zero) i0=2;
else if (fabs(da[i1])+fabs(db[i1])<=_zero) i1=2;
if (fabs(q)<=_zero) return 0; // no intersection
// intersection ta,tb parameters
if ((ta<0.0)||(ta>1.0)) return 0; // inside line check
return 1;
bool tetrahedrons::intersect_vol_vol(_vol4 &v0,_vol4 &v1) // tetrahedron v0 intersect tetrahedron v1 ?
int i,j,_ti,_tj;
_fac3 *f0,*f1;
double pos[3],dir[3],p[3],det,D0[4],D1[4],d0,d1,t,ti0,ti1,tj0,tj1;
// planes offset: dot(p,v0.t[i].n)+D0[i] = 0 , dot(p,v1.t[j].n)+D1[j] = 0
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
// plane plane intersection -> ray
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
// no common vertex
if ((f0->p0==f1->p0)||(f0->p0==f1->p1)||(f0->p0==f1->p2)) continue;
if ((f0->p1==f1->p0)||(f0->p1==f1->p1)||(f0->p1==f1->p2)) continue;
if ((f0->p2==f1->p0)||(f0->p2==f1->p1)||(f0->p2==f1->p2)) continue;
// direction
if (fabs(det)<=_zero) continue; // parallel planes?
// position
vector_mul(p,dir,f1->n); vector_mul(pos,p,d0);
vector_mul(p,f0->n,dir); vector_mul(p,p,d1);
// compute intersection edge points
_ti=1; _tj=1;
if (intersect_lin_ray(pnt.pnt.dat+f0->p0,pnt.pnt.dat+f0->p1,pos,dir,t)){ if (_ti) { _ti=0; ti0=t; ti1=t; } if (ti0>t) ti0=t; if (ti1<t) ti1=t; }
if (intersect_lin_ray(pnt.pnt.dat+f0->p1,pnt.pnt.dat+f0->p2,pos,dir,t)){ if (_ti) { _ti=0; ti0=t; ti1=t; } if (ti0>t) ti0=t; if (ti1<t) ti1=t; }
if (intersect_lin_ray(pnt.pnt.dat+f0->p2,pnt.pnt.dat+f0->p0,pos,dir,t)){ if (_ti) { _ti=0; ti0=t; ti1=t; } if (ti0>t) ti0=t; if (ti1<t) ti1=t; }
if (intersect_lin_ray(pnt.pnt.dat+f1->p0,pnt.pnt.dat+f1->p1,pos,dir,t)){ if (_tj) { _tj=0; tj0=t; tj1=t; } if (tj0>t) tj0=t; if (tj1<t) tj1=t; }
if (intersect_lin_ray(pnt.pnt.dat+f1->p1,pnt.pnt.dat+f1->p2,pos,dir,t)){ if (_tj) { _tj=0; tj0=t; tj1=t; } if (tj0>t) tj0=t; if (tj1<t) tj1=t; }
if (intersect_lin_ray(pnt.pnt.dat+f1->p2,pnt.pnt.dat+f1->p0,pos,dir,t)){ if (_tj) { _tj=0; tj0=t; tj1=t; } if (tj0>t) tj0=t; if (tj1<t) tj1=t; }
if ((_ti)||(_tj)) continue;
if ((ti0>=tj0)&&(ti0<=tj1)) return 1;
if ((ti1>=tj0)&&(ti1<=tj1)) return 1;
if ((tj0>=ti0)&&(tj0<=ti1)) return 1;
if ((tj1>=ti0)&&(tj1<=ti1)) return 1;
return 0;
It is a part of a much larger program. The _zero
is just threshold for zero based on min detail size. _fac3
is triangle and _vol4
is tetrahedron. Both points and triangles are indexed from pnt.pnt.dat[]
and fac.dat[]
dynamic lists. I know is weird but there is a lot going on behind it (like spatial subdivision to segments and more to speed up the processes which is this used for).
the vector_mul(a,b,c)
is a=cross(b,c)
and a=dot(b,c)
product (which depends on c
if it is vector or not).
I would rather avoid any precomputed values for each triangle/tetrahedron as even now the classes holds quite a lot of info already (like parent-ship, usage count etc). And as I am bound to Win32 the memory is limited to only around 1.2 GB
so any additional stuff will limit the max size of mesh usable.
So what I am looking for is any of these:
I am bound to BDS2006 Win32 C++ and would rather avoid using 3th party libs.
[Edit1] sample data
Here is tetrahedronized pointcloud as a sample data for testing:
double pnt[192]= // pnt.pnt.dat[pnt.n*3] = { x,y,z, ... }
struct _fac3 { int p0,p1,p2; double n[3]; };
_fac3 fac[140]= // fac.dat[fac.num] = { p0,p1,p2,n(x,y,z), ... }
78, 84, 96, 0.600,-0.800,-0.000,
72, 84, 96, -0.844,-0.003,-0.537,
72, 78, 84, -0.000,1.000,-0.000,
72, 78, 96, -0.000,-0.152,0.988,
6, 84, 96, -0.859,0.336,-0.385,
6, 78, 96, 0.597,-0.801,0.031,
6, 78, 84, 0.746,-0.666,0.000,
6, 72, 96, -0.852,-0.006,-0.523,
6, 72, 84, -0.834,0.151,-0.530,
78, 84,147, 0.020,1.000,-0.000,
72, 84,147, -0.023,-1.000,-0.015,
72, 78,147, -0.000,1.000,0.014,
78, 96,186, 0.546,-0.776,0.316,
6, 96,186, -0.864,0.067,-0.500,
6, 78,186, 0.995,0.014,-0.104,
78, 84,186, 0.980,-0.201,0.000,
6, 84,186, -0.812,0.078,-0.578,
72, 96,186, -0.865,-0.011,-0.501,
6, 72,186, -0.846,0.071,-0.529,
6, 84,147, -0.153,-0.672,-0.724,
6, 72,147, -0.222,-0.975,-0.024,
84,135,147, 0.018,1.000,-0.013,
78,135,147, -0.311,0.924,0.220,
78, 84,135, 0.258,0.966,-0.000,
72,135,147, -0.018,1.000,0.013,
72, 78,135, -0.000,0.995,0.105,
96,132,186, -0.000,-1.000,-0.000,
78,132,186, 0.995,-0.087,-0.056,
78, 96,132, 0.081,-0.256,0.963,
84,132,186, 0.976,-0.209,-0.055,
78, 84,132, 0.995,-0.101,0.000,
84,147,186, -0.190,-0.111,-0.975,
6,147,186, -0.030,-0.134,0.991,
0, 96,186, -0.587,-0.735,-0.339,
0, 72,186, 0.598,0.801,-0.031,
0, 72, 96, -0.992,-0.087,-0.092,
72,147,186, -0.675,-0.737,-0.044,
135,147,189, 0.000,1.000,-0.000,
84,147,189, -0.018,0.980,-0.197,
84,135,189, 0.126,0.992,-0.007,
81, 84,135, -0.183,0.983,-0.023,
78, 81,135, -0.930,-0.000,0.367,
78, 81, 84, 1.000,-0.000,0.000,
105,135,147, -0.000,1.000,0.000,
72,105,147, -0.126,0.992,0.007,
72,105,135, 0.018,0.980,0.197,
72, 81,135, -0.036,0.996,-0.082,
72, 78, 81, -0.000,-0.000,1.000,
96,120,132, -0.000,-1.000,-0.000,
78,120,132, 0.685,-0.246,0.685,
78, 96,120, -0.000,-0.152,0.988,
132,180,186, -0.000,-1.000,0.000,
84,180,186, 0.000,-0.152,-0.988,
84,132,180, 0.995,-0.101,-0.000,
147,150,186, 0.101,0.010,0.995,
84,150,186, -0.100,-0.131,-0.986,
84,147,150, -0.190,-0.019,-0.982,
96,114,186, 0.000,-1.000,0.000,
0,114,186, -0.584,-0.729,-0.357,
0, 96,114, -0.991,0.134,0.000,
0,147,186, -0.144,-0.058,-0.988,
0, 72,147, -0.926,-0.374,-0.052,
72, 96,114, -0.995,-0.101,0.000,
0, 72,114, -0.993,-0.077,-0.093,
75,147,189, -0.001,1.000,-0.012,
75,135,189, 0.018,1.000,-0.001,
75,135,147, -0.016,-1.000,0.012,
147,159,189, -0.000,1.000,-0.000,
84,159,189, -0.000,0.985,-0.174,
84,147,159, -0.025,-0.999,-0.025,
81,135,189, -0.274,0.962,0.015,
81, 84,189, 0.114,0.993,-0.023,
75,105,147, -0.115,-0.993,0.006,
75,105,135, 0.017,-0.983,0.181,
72, 75,147, -0.999,-0.000,-0.051,
72, 75,105, 0.599,-0.000,0.801,
81,105,135, -0.009,0.996,-0.093,
72, 81,105, -0.036,0.991,0.127,
120,126,132, -0.000,-1.000,-0.000,
78,126,132, 0.995,-0.101,-0.000,
78,120,126, -0.000,-0.152,0.988,
0,150,186, 0.101,-0.000,0.995,
0,147,150, -0.000,-0.000,1.000,
144,150,186, 0.000,-1.000,0.000,
84,144,186, -0.091,-0.133,-0.987,
84,144,150, -0.000,0.249,0.968,
147,150,159, -0.705,-0.071,-0.705,
84,150,159, -0.125,-0.100,-0.987,
114,150,186, 0.000,-1.000,0.000,
0,114,150, -0.998,-0.000,-0.059,
72,114,147, -0.995,-0.088,-0.052,
0,114,147, -0.906,-0.365,-0.215,
93,147,189, -0.009,-0.996,-0.093,
75, 93,189, 0.020,1.000,0.000,
75, 93,147, -0.237,-0.971,-0.000,
75, 81,189, -0.000,1.000,-0.012,
75, 81,135, -0.000,-0.995,0.096,
93,159,189, -0.000,-0.987,-0.160,
93,147,159, -0.069,-0.995,-0.069,
84, 93,189, 0.036,0.991,-0.127,
84, 93,159, -0.036,-0.993,-0.113,
84, 87,189, -0.599,-0.000,-0.801,
81, 87,189, -0.120,0.993,-0.000,
81, 84, 87, 1.000,0.000,0.000,
75, 81,105, -0.000,-0.987,0.160,
72, 93,147, -0.183,-0.983,-0.023,
72, 75, 93, -1.000,0.000,-0.000,
72, 75, 81, 0.000,-0.000,1.000,
114,147,150, -0.993,-0.100,-0.059,
144,162,186, 0.000,-1.000,0.000,
84,162,186, -0.000,-0.152,-0.988,
84,144,162, -0.600,0.800,0.000,
144,150,159, 0.000,0.101,0.995,
84,144,159, -0.125,-0.087,-0.988,
144,147,159, -0.707,0.000,-0.707,
144,147,150, -0.000,0.000,1.000,
93,114,147, 0.732,-0.587,-0.346,
72, 93,114, -0.995,-0.100,-0.002,
81, 93,189, 0.022,1.000,-0.014,
75, 81, 93, -0.000,1.000,0.000,
93,144,159, 0.582,-0.140,-0.801,
93,144,147, -0.930,0.000,0.367,
87, 93,189, -0.000,0.987,0.160,
84, 87, 93, -0.000,0.000,-1.000,
84, 93,144, -0.009,-0.238,-0.971,
81, 87, 93, -0.000,1.000,0.000,
114,144,150, -0.000,-1.000,-0.000,
114,144,147, -1.000,0.000,-0.000,
93,144,162, -0.995,-0.096,0.000,
84, 93,162, -0.005,-0.145,-0.989,
93,114,144, -0.995,-0.096,0.000,
72,114,144, -0.995,-0.101,-0.000,
72, 93,144, -0.995,-0.097,-0.002,
90,144,162, -0.995,-0.101,0.000,
90, 93,162, 0.834,0.000,-0.552,
90, 93,144, -0.930,0.000,0.367,
84, 90,162, 0.000,-0.152,-0.988,
84, 90, 93, 0.000,0.000,-1.000,
72, 90,144, -0.995,-0.101,-0.000,
72, 90, 93, -1.000,0.000,-0.000,
struct _vol4 { int p0,p1,p2,p3,t[4]; double s[4]; };
_vol4 vol[62]= // vol.dat[vol.num] = { p0,p1,p2,p3,t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3], ... }
72, 78, 96, 84, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1,1,1,1,
78, 84, 96, 6, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1,1,1,-1,
72, 84, 96, 6, 4, 7, 8, 1, -1,1,1,-1,
72, 78, 84,147, 9, 10, 11, 2, 1,1,1,-1,
6, 78, 96,186, 12, 13, 14, 5, 1,1,1,-1,
6, 78, 84,186, 15, 16, 14, 6, 1,1,-1,-1,
6, 72, 96,186, 17, 13, 18, 7, 1,-1,1,-1,
6, 72, 84,147, 10, 19, 20, 8, -1,1,1,-1,
78, 84,147,135, 21, 22, 23, 9, 1,1,1,-1,
72, 78,147,135, 22, 24, 25, 11, -1,1,1,-1,
78, 96,186,132, 26, 27, 28, 12, 1,1,1,-1,
78, 84,186,132, 29, 27, 30, 15, 1,-1,1,-1,
6, 84,186,147, 31, 32, 19, 16, 1,1,-1,-1,
72, 96,186, 0, 33, 34, 35, 17, 1,1,1,-1,
6, 72,186,147, 36, 32, 20, 18, 1,-1,-1,-1,
84,135,147,189, 37, 38, 39, 21, 1,1,1,-1,
78, 84,135, 81, 40, 41, 42, 23, 1,1,1,-1,
72,135,147,105, 43, 44, 45, 24, 1,1,1,-1,
72, 78,135, 81, 41, 46, 47, 25, -1,1,1,-1,
78, 96,132,120, 48, 49, 50, 28, 1,1,1,-1,
84,132,186,180, 51, 52, 53, 29, 1,1,1,-1,
84,147,186,150, 54, 55, 56, 31, 1,1,1,-1,
0, 96,186,114, 57, 58, 59, 33, 1,1,1,-1,
0, 72,186,147, 36, 60, 61, 34, -1,1,1,-1,
0, 72, 96,114, 62, 59, 63, 35, 1,-1,1,-1,
135,147,189, 75, 64, 65, 66, 37, 1,1,1,-1,
84,147,189,159, 67, 68, 69, 38, 1,1,1,-1,
84,135,189, 81, 70, 71, 40, 39, 1,1,-1,-1,
105,135,147, 75, 66, 72, 73, 43, -1,1,1,-1,
72,105,147, 75, 72, 74, 75, 44, -1,1,1,-1,
72,105,135, 81, 76, 46, 77, 45, 1,-1,1,-1,
78,120,132,126, 78, 79, 80, 49, 1,1,1,-1,
147,150,186, 0, 81, 60, 82, 54, 1,-1,1,-1,
84,150,186,144, 83, 84, 85, 55, 1,1,1,-1,
84,147,150,159, 86, 87, 69, 56, 1,1,-1,-1,
0,114,186,150, 88, 81, 89, 58, 1,-1,1,-1,
0, 72,147,114, 90, 91, 63, 61, 1,1,-1,-1,
75,147,189, 93, 92, 93, 94, 64, 1,1,1,-1,
75,135,189, 81, 70, 95, 96, 65, -1,1,1,-1,
147,159,189, 93, 97, 92, 98, 67, 1,-1,1,-1,
84,159,189, 93, 97, 99,100, 68, -1,1,1,-1,
81, 84,189, 87, 101,102,103, 71, 1,1,1,-1,
75,105,135, 81, 76, 96,104, 73, -1,-1,1,-1,
72, 75,147, 93, 94,105,106, 74, -1,1,1,-1,
72, 75,105, 81, 104, 77,107, 75, -1,-1,1,-1,
0,147,150,114, 108, 89, 91, 82, 1,-1,-1,-1,
84,144,186,162, 109,110,111, 84, 1,1,1,-1,
84,144,150,159, 112, 87,113, 85, 1,-1,1,-1,
147,150,159,144, 112,114,115, 86, -1,1,1,-1,
72,114,147, 93, 116,105,117, 90, 1,-1,1,-1,
75, 93,189, 81, 118, 95,119, 93, 1,-1,1,-1,
93,147,159,144, 114,120,121, 98, -1,1,1,-1,
84, 93,189, 87, 122,101,123, 99, 1,-1,1,-1,
84, 93,159,144, 120,113,124,100, -1,-1,1,-1,
81, 87,189, 93, 122,118,125,102, -1,-1,1,-1,
114,147,150,144, 115,126,127,108, -1,1,1,-1,
84,144,162, 93, 128,129,124,111, 1,1,-1,-1,
93,114,147,144, 127,121,130,116, -1,-1,1,-1,
72, 93,114,144, 130,131,132,117, -1,1,1,-1,
93,144,162, 90, 133,134,135,128, 1,1,1,-1,
84, 93,162, 90, 134,136,137,129, -1,1,1,-1,
72, 93,144, 90, 135,138,139,132, -1,1,1,-1,
the p?
are point indexes 0,3,6,9...
from pnt
the n
is normal s
is sign of normal (in case triangle is shared so normals point the same way) and t[4]
are indexes of triangles 0,1,2,3,...
from fac
And here a sample test:
bool tetrahedrons::vols_intersect() // test if vol[] intersects each other
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<vol.num;i++)
for (j=i+1;j<vol.num;j++,dbg_cnt++)
if (intersect_vol_vol(vol.dat[i],vol.dat[j]))
if (intersect_vol_vol(vol.dat[j],vol.dat[i])) linc=0x8000FFFF;
return 1;
return 0;
where dbg_cnt
is counter of intersection tests. For this mesh I got this results:
tests | time
18910 | 190-215 [ms]
I called the vols_intersect
test 10 times to make the measurements long enough. Of coarse none of placed tetrahedrons in this dataset will intersect (leading to highest time). In the real process (too big to post) which lead to this mesh are the count like this:
intersecting 5
non intersecting 1766
all tests 1771
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