MSVC++ Exception 0x80000003 In Different Language


I have some software that I've helped modify. We took the application from 32 to MFC to 64 bit MFC. It's been a pretty big project, but we are having this one really strange issue. My installer works on all of our computers here, the application works and doesn't have issues; however, when our customers try to install the program, the program immediately crashes. Thinking it was a fluke issue, we asked them to install it on a few of their PCs and all of them are having this issue. We've additionally tried running our PCs in the given language as well as install an operating system in the given language to test the issue to no avail.

Scratching our heads we've tried a number of different things, but I think the real key is going to be with the Event Viewer information. We get the exception code 0x80000003 for module with path C:\Windows\System32\Kernelbase.dll and C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll. I have not been able to repeat these errors on our systems or development environments. Would anyone have any ideas, even to get the error to happen on our pcs so that we can move something forward?

Please let me know if there is more information that is needed from you to help out too!

EDIT Note 1

I should also mention, we put AfxMessageBox's in the program and it's crashing around if(!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo)). We've created a basic MFC project that includes the same command and that program runs well on the target machine.

Edit Note 2

The systems our client is using is a Windows 10 64 bit operating system and a Windows 7 64 bit operating system.

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 22, 2018 by thephysicsguy • edited Feb 22, 2018 by thephysicsguy

1 Answer


So here was the end result for how we resolved this issue. Since we had a 32 bit version of the code working, the upgrade to 64 bit was for macros to work in Excel. We resolved the issues by using the 32 bit application code and our 32 bit dlls and 64 bit dlls for the application. The dlls are working in tandem and sharing the appropriate information between them. This has made it so our customers can use this program with the newer versions of Excel.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 16, 2018 by thephysicsguy

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