if I compile the c driver with -DENABLE_SSL=WINDOWS
(windows secure Channel), connection would be failed if the client pem key file has password.
the error info of log:
[error@stream-secure-channel] Failed to parse private key. ASN1 bad tag value me t. (0x8009310B) [warning@stream-secure-channel] a client certificate has been requested
I create the private key for the pem file with this command: openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048 , and then input password : 1234
using mongo.exe , I can connect with the same pem file and password from my own working computer successfully: mongo --host --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin --username user1 -p 123 --sslCAFile d:/ca.pem --sslPEMKeyFile d:/cry.pem --sslPEMKeyPassword 1234
however, if my program uses the mongocxx driver, always get failed.
if I use the driver which is compiled with "-DENABLE_SSL=OPENSSL", this issue dissapears.
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