Injecting custom repository in aspnetboilerblate


I am trying to setup a customrepository becuase I have a full text search based query. But trying to setup a custom repository is throwing exception. Looks like I have not properly wired up dependency. Here is the code

    public interface ICustomRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> : IRepository<TEntity, TPrimaryKey>
    where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>
    IQueryable<TEntity> FromSql(string rawSqlQuery);

public interface ICustomRepository<TEntity> : ICustomRepository<TEntity,int>
    where TEntity : class, IEntity<int>


/// <summary>
/// Base class for custom repositories of the application.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Entity type</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TPrimaryKey">Primary key type of the entity</typeparam>
public abstract class CustomRepositoryBase<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> : EfCoreRepositoryBase<CustomDbContext, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>, ICustomRepository<TEntity,TPrimaryKey>
    where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>
    protected CustomRepositoryBase(IDbContextProvider<CustomDbContext> dbContextProvider)
        : base(dbContextProvider)

    // Add your common methods for all repositories

    public IQueryable<TEntity> FromSql(string rawSqlQuery)
        var dbContext = GetDbContext();
        return dbContext.Set<TEntity>().FromSql(rawSqlQuery);


And here is how I have done the di setup


But I am getting below exception

System.MissingMethodException occurred HResult=0x80131513
Message=Constructor on type 'Custom.EntityFrameworkCore.Repositories.CustomRepositoryBase`2[[Custom.CustomProperties.CustomProperty, Custom.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[System.Int64, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]]' not found. Source=
StackTrace: at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)

Not sure what I am missing.

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 19, 2018 by Sameer • edited Jan 19, 2018 by Sameer

2 Answers


CustomRepositoryBase cannot be abstract and needs a public constructor:

public class CustomRepositoryBase<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> : EfCoreRepositoryBase<CustomDbContext, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>, ICustomRepository<TEntity,TPrimaryKey>
    where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey>
    public CustomRepositoryBase(IDbContextProvider<CustomDbContext> dbContextProvider)
        : base(dbContextProvider)

    // ...
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 19, 2018 by aaron

Implementation should be something like this.

public interface ICustomRepository : IRepository<Custom, int>


public class CustomRepository : CustomRepositoryBase<Custom, int>, ICustomRepository
public CustomRepository(IDbContextProvider<CustomDbContext> dbContextProvider,
        IObjectMapper objectMapper)
    : base(dbContextProvider, objectMapper)
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 19, 2018 by vivek nuna

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