Task Scheduler 1.0: What does this error mean


I am working with the windows Task Scheduler 1.0 in win32 c++ & I am attempting to create & save a new task. Everything goes fine until I go to save the task by using the following function:

IPersistFile :: Save( NULL, TRUE );

The error that is returned is 0x8007052e

I have search & searched msdn but I cannot find a defintion for this error. Do you know that the HRESULT error with the value 0x8007052e means?

Some other info that might be important. I am using Windows 7, using a admin user & attempting to schedule a Daily task/trigger.

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 28, 2011 by user593747

2 Answers


Using Visual Studios Error Lookup tool I find that it means "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. "

In fact, just Googling for that error code returns exactly the same information.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 28, 2011 by Paul Mitchell • edited Jan 28, 2011 by Paul Mitchell

The HRESULT code 0x8007052e is very easy to decode. It consist from three parts

  • 8xxxxxxx - means failure (error)
  • x007xxxx - means the facility 7
  • xxxx052e - meane the error code 0x52e=1326

If you open the WinError.h file you will easy find that FACILITY_WIN32 is 7.

So you have just a standard Win32 error with the code 0x52e=1326. If you search in WinError.h for 1326 you will find ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE with the description

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 28, 2011 by Oleg

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