Error while connect to RFID reader: The maximum baud rate for the device is 8190


Hi I have a USB RFID Reader/Writer with name "Silicon labs CP210x", I develop a windows app with C# in Visual studio 2015 that could Read/Write on RFID Card, its worked fine...

I change my Windows on my notebook (prev Windows and new Windows are Windows 10) and install Visual Studio 2017...Now when I open solution and run application see this error:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred


Message=The maximum baud rate for the device is 8190.

While googling in this error, I see some guys say that the error related to baudrate of reader But the reader and my application work fine until I change Windows and it should not related to baudrate ...ِI think its dont related to driver because the driver work on prev windows fine...Does anyone have any experience in this error?

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 2, 2018 by Ali • edited Jun 20, 2020 by Community

2 Answers


I also encountered this problem and it was solved by uninstalling Silicon Labs Windows 10 Universal drivers and installing the Silicon Labs Windows 7/8/8.1/10 drivers.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 8, 2018 by Willie Visagie

This error has not been reported before.

Have you tried opening the port with a standalone PC serial terminal program like Teraterm or Realterm? I have seen C# hardcoding DCDs for the serial ports that have caused issues previously.

Can you go to your Device Manager, open Ports, right-click on the CP210x port, bring up Properties, go under Details, and scroll down to Bus reported device description? That should have the actual chip type listed, ie "CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller".

Also, it would be a good idea to update the driver as well. Windows Update should provide the latest driver, but you can compare your version to the version on the Silicon Labs website at

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 9, 2018 by Richard Hendricks

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