I'm trying to make a great GUI for my csgo cheat. I decided to use C++/CLR. Firstly I create empty project then, I change in a properties entrypoint and the subsystem and I add this code to the cpp file:
#include "MyForm.h"
using namespace System;`
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;`
void Main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
SmallPackofCheats::MyForm mainForm;
Then I save it and I restart visual studio. I run visual studio and I design menu. Designer works. After ended work I save everything and I close Visual Studio. Every next run of the Visual Studio and after opening my project I have this problem: image link
How to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
I encountered a similar problem recently and the other suggested solutions did not help. This method, however, did work:
Now you should be able to open the designer.
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