My 2D Perlin Noise Generator (Same seed) generate different charts when I increase the size of the chart


If you read the title maybe at the first you will think that the statement is obviously true. By obvious reasons when you increase the size of the grid that you want to be generated by the noise generator you will get different things, but they will share an equal sector, or that is what I am trying.

This is quite complicate to explain so I made a little python example:

import random
def Chart(lenght):
    def rnd(x,y):
        return str(round(random.random()*9))    
    [print("|".join([rnd(x,y) for y in range(round(lenght ** 0.5))])) for x in range(round(lenght ** 0.5))]

Now look at this: enter image description here
Now do you understand? The smaller chart is always at the top-left corner of the bigger one.

Now it come the difficult part:

I won't explain my code because it's almost the same code of my last question in Code Review SE, the only differences are that:

  • I improve my code with some suggestions made by @Graipher:
    • Like the new Perlin function which now uses numpy instead of loops, increasing greatly the speed.
    • And the "combination" of the D and D2 classes into NoiseGenerator2D class (I know he say I shall delete the class... but I don't want...).
  • The elimination of the graph function -which made a graph of the map using matplotlib because it produce great lag using biggers charts-.
  • And the upgrade in image function -which now make more images based on the values of the grid in order to understand better the chart itself-.

In order to use the code you need NumPy to the generation and pillow to see the results in a photo. If you don't want to use NumPy, or you want to make a graph with matplotlib, you still can use the old code (if you will use matplotlib I recommend update the Perlin function to increase speed).

Here is my code:

import math, random
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

class NoiseGenerator2D():
    def __init__(self, lenght, octaves = 1):
        self.octaves = octaves        
        self.lenght_axes = round(lenght ** 0.5)
        self.lenght = self.lenght_axes ** 2
        self.result, self.line_result = self.Perlin(self.lenght_axes, octaves)

    def Cubic_Interpolate(self, v0, v1, v2, v3, x):
        P = (v3 - v2) - (v0 - v1)
        Q = (v0 - v1) - P
        R = v2 - v0
        S = v1
        return P * x**3 + Q * x**2 + R * x + S

    def Noise(self, x, y):
        n = x + y * 57
        n = (n<<13) ^ n # (n * 2 ** 13) ** n
        return ( 1.0 - ( (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff) / 1073741824.0)

    def Smooth_Noise(self, x, y, smooth = 5 ):
        corners = (self.Noise(x - 1, y - 1) + self.Noise(x + 1, y - 1) + self.Noise(x - 1, y + 1) + self.Noise(x + 1, y + 1) ) / 16
        sides   = (self.Noise(x - 1, y) + self.Noise(x + 1, y) + self.Noise(x, y - 1)  + self.Noise(x, y + 1) ) /  8
        center  =  self.Noise(x, y) / 4
        return corners + sides + center

    def Interpolate_Noise(self, x, y):

        round_x = np.array(np.floor(x), dtype=int)
        frac_x  = x - round_x

        round_y = np.array(np.floor(y), dtype=int)
        frac_y  = y - round_y

        v11 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x - 1, round_y - 1)
        v12 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x    , round_y - 1)
        v13 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 1, round_y - 1)
        v14 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 2, round_y - 1)
        i1 = self.Cubic_Interpolate(v11, v12, v13, v14, frac_x)

        v21 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x - 1, round_y)
        v22 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x    , round_y)
        v23 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 1, round_y)
        v24 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 2, round_y)
        i2 = self.Cubic_Interpolate(v21, v22, v23, v24, frac_x)

        v31 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x - 1, round_y + 1)
        v32 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x    , round_y + 1)
        v33 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 1, round_y + 1)
        v34 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 2, round_y + 1)
        i3 = self.Cubic_Interpolate(v31, v32, v33, v34, frac_x)

        v41 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x - 1, round_y + 2)
        v42 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x    , round_y + 2)
        v43 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 1, round_y + 2)
        v44 = self.Smooth_Noise(round_x + 2, round_y + 2)
        i4 = self.Cubic_Interpolate(v41, v42, v43, v44, frac_x)

        return self.Cubic_Interpolate(i1, i2, i3, i4, frac_y)

    def Perlin(self, lenght_axes, octaves, zoom = 0.01, amplitude_base = 0.5):
        x = np.arange(lenght_axes)
        y = np.arange(lenght_axes)
        o = np.arange(octaves)
        xx, yy, oo = np.meshgrid(x, y, o)

        frequency = 2 ** oo * zoom
        amplitude = amplitude_base ** oo
        result = (self.Interpolate_Noise(xx * frequency, yy * frequency) * amplitude).sum(axis=-1)
        return result, result.flatten()

    def image(self):
        positive, negative, mono, colors, img, special = [], [], [], [], [], []
        vmax = max(self.line_result)

        for v in self.line_result:
            r = g = b = p = n = 0
            value = v / vmax * 255
            both = 127 + (v / vmax * 128)
            if value > 0:     
                b = value
                p = value
            elif value < 0:
                r = abs(value)
                n = abs(value)
                g = 255

            a = b = c = 0

            if value < 0:
                c = abs(value)
            elif value < 150:
                b = value
                a = value

            special.append((int(round(a)), int(round(b)), int(round(c))))
            mono.append((int(round(both)), int(round(both)), int(round(both))))
            colors.append((int(round(r)), int(round(g)), int(round(b))))
            positive.append((int(round(p)), int(round(p)), int(round(p))))
            negative.append((int(round(n)), int(round(n)), int(round(n))))

        for k, v in {"Black and White" : mono, "Colors": colors, "Black" : negative, "White" : positive, "Special" : special}.items():
            img ='RGB', (self.lenght_axes, self.lenght_axes))
  '{k} {self.lenght_axes} x {self.lenght_axes} ({self.octaves}).png')

test = NoiseGenerator2D(1000, 10)

Now look this picture wit NoiseGenerator2D(value_of_the_image, 10):

enter image description here
Something is wrong, it doesn't work like I said, it's an small photo, but it you zoom it you will notice that they don't share a sector.
But now... enter image description here
They share the sector.
BUT Now... I'm sorry, it's bigger than 2Mb, I had to make zoom out to reduce it quality and size: enter image description here
They are quite similar, but they have some differences in height (look at blue parts).

What is going on? Someone could explain me this extrange behavior of the code? How can I fix it? (To be fix, I want they share a common sector).

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 18, 2017 by Ender Look • edited Mar 24, 2018 by Ender Look

1 Answer


The actually works fine, the problem is inside the image function, in this lines:

vmax = max(self.line_result)

    for v in self.line_result:
        r = g = b = p = n = 0
        value = v / vmax * 255

The max function return the highest value in the self.line_result array, but the highest value may change when bigger is the chart, because there are more chances to found a peak in the chart.
An that problem is translated in the image error in the line value = v / vmax * 255, that make the colors of the picture based on the highest (vmax) value found.

To solve this problem just you have to change this:

vmax = max(self.line_result) --->---> vmax = 1

Look at the image: enter image description here

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 21, 2017 by Ender Look

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