Driver is unable to get I/O DMA Adapter


My driver for a PCI Bus-Master Device without Scatter/Gather capability calls IoGetDmaAdapter(), but fails with 0xFFFFFFFFC0000005 Access Violation. This causes a BSOD.

Here's how I set it up:

RtlZeroMemory(&deviceDescription, sizeof(DEVICE_DESCRIPTION));
deviceDescription.Master = TRUE; // this is a bus-master device without scatter/gather ability
deviceDescription.Dma32BitAddresses = TRUE; // this device is unable to perform 64-bit addressing
deviceDescription.InterfaceType = InterfaceTypeUndefined;


deviceDescription.Version = DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION2;
IoGetDmaAdapter(deviceObject, &deviceDescription, &fakeRegs);

Here's my Windows kernel debugging session:

fffff803`319626a3 488b8424e8000000 mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+0E8h]
fffff803`319626b4 488d442478      lea     rax,[rsp+78h]
fffff803`319626dd 8b442450        mov     eax,dword ptr [rsp+50h]
fffff803`319626e8 c684248900000001 mov     byte ptr [rsp+89h],1
fffff803`319626f0 c784248000000002000000 mov dword ptr [rsp+80h],2
fffff803`319626fb 4c8d44244c      lea     r8,[rsp+4Ch]
KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection
KDTARGET: Refreshing KD connection

*** Fatal System Error: 0x0000007e

WARNING: This break is not a step/trace completion.
The last command has been cleared to prevent
accidental continuation of this unrelated event.
Check the event, location and thread before resuming.
Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)

A fatal system error has occurred.

Before the crash at Guard_Dispatch_iCall_NOP, I see the following call-stack:

HalpGetCacheCoherency + 6D
HalGetAdapterV2 + A8
IoGetDmaAdapter + C0
IoGetDmaAdapter + C0
IoGetDmaAdapter + C0
My Call-Site

I checked that Physical Device Object has the same address as originally provided to my AddDevice handler.

How should I ask politely to avoid a "Sorry Dave, I can't do that" from Windows Kernel I/O Manager?

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 4, 2017 by GregC • edited Dec 6, 2017 by GregC

1 Answer


When my driver calls into IoGetDmaAdapter(), the driver receives two interface queries via IRP_MN_QUERY_INTERFACE: GUID_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD and GUID_DMA_CACHE_COHERENCY_INTERFACE.

GUID_DMA_CACHE_COHERENCY_INTERFACE is new to Windows 10 or Server 2016.

GUID_DMA_CACHE_COHERENCY_INTERFACE query should normally pass to the next driver in the stack. I was making a mistake, setting the status to success, but should have left it alone.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 12, 2017 by GregC • edited Dec 13, 2017 by GregC

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