Auto truncate fields with ODBCDataAdapter on INSERT and UPDATE


I am updating a database using System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter. I also don't know what table or fields I'm updating until runtime. The code I have works and is roughly equivalent to the following:

    mConn = new OdbcConnection(connectionStr);

    mDataSet = new DataSet();
    mDataAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(selectStatement, mConn);
    mCmdBldr = new OdbcCommandBuilder(mDataAdapter);

    var trans = mConn.BeginTransaction();
    mDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Transaction = trans;

    mDataAdapter.Fill(mDataSet, tableName);

    mDataTable = mDataSet.Tables[tableName];
    mDataAdapter.Update(mDataSet, tableName);


The above is stripped down from my actual code, but hopefully gives an idea of how I'm using the DataAdapter. As I say, it works, for the most part...

It does of course fail if I try to insert to many characters into a SQL Server VARCHAR column, in which case I get the following error (in this case, I'm writing to SQL Server, but the database could be something else):

System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException occurred HResult=0x80131937
Message=ERROR [22001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.

My question is this:

Is there any way in which I can get the OdbcDataAdapter to automatically truncate text fields?

I understand I can turn off ANSI_WARNINGS in the database if I'm using SQL Server, but I might not be, and I don't want to do that anyway because in most cases I would want the above exception to be thrown. I also understand that I can inspect the constraints on the fields myself and truncate the data before I insert it, but I'm looking for something less manual. I'll write that code if I have to, but I'd rather not have to.

I've looked at setting the OdbcParameter.Size property, but this simply throws an exception in a different place. Similarly with DataColumn.MaxLength.

I've also looked at setting DataSet.EnforceConstraints, but that doesn't prevent the above error when actually updating.

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 29, 2017 by bornfromanegg • edited Nov 29, 2017 by bornfromanegg

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