How to decipher 4 short vars from a long var using bit manipulations in C++?

long wxyz; //(w = bits 0-8, x = bits 9-17 , y = bits 18-23, z =  bits 24-29)

short w;

short x;

short y;

short z;

w= wxyz & 0xFF800000;
x= wxyz & 0x007FC000;
y= wxyz & 0x00003F00;
z= wxyz & 0x000000FC;

Is this code correct?


asked on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by user553514 • edited Jan 17, 2011 by Benjamin Lindley

7 Answers


You need to shift the bits down.

w= (wxyz & 0xFF800000) >> 23;
x= (wxyz & 0x007FC000) >> 14;
y= (wxyz & 0x00003F00) >> 8;
z= (wxyz & 0x000000FC) >> 2;
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by Benjamin Lindley • edited Jan 17, 2011 by Benjamin Lindley

You should do the following to get the highest byte from the 4 bytes int w = (wxyz & 0xFF000000) >> 24. First apply bit mask and then shift bits to the lowest byte.

Or you can do it other way around - shift, apply bitmask:

w = (wxyz >> 24) & 0xFF
x = (wxyz >> 16) & 0xFF
y = (wxyz >> 8) & 0xFF
z = wxyz & 0xFF

But isn't it easier to use unions?

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by Elalfer
w =  wxyz & 0x000001ff;
x = (wxyz & 0x0003fe00) >> 9;
y = (wxyz & 0x00fc0000) >> 17;
z = (wxyz & 0x3f000000) >> 23;

Edit: need to cast long to short to avoid compiler warning:

w = (short) wxyz & 0x000001ff;
x = (short) ((wxyz & 0x0003fe00) >> 9);
y = (short) ((wxyz & 0x00fc0000) >> 17);
z = (short) ((wxyz & 0x3f000000) >> 23);
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by ThomasMcLeod • edited Jan 17, 2011 by ThomasMcLeod

Hold on -- what do you mean by bits 0-8? This usually means the nine least significant bits, in which case you've grasped the wrong end of the int.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by TonyK

This is the way I prefer to handle this, by "inching". It just makes more sense in my head. Also, unlike a mask and then shift, there is no problem of a >> being sign-extending (C/C++ isn't Java or C# in well-definedness there). I am going with the assumption that 0 is the MSB (and there are 32bits total, although a long can be more), as stated in the question.

long wxyz = ...; //(w = bits 0-8, x = bits 9-17 , y = bits 18-23, z =  bits 24-29)

wxyz >>= 2; // discard 30-31 (or, really, "least two insignificant")

z = wzyz & 0x3f; // easy to see this is "6 bits", no?
wzyz >>= 6; // throw them out

y = wzyz & 0x3f;
wzyz >>= 6;

x = wzyz & 0x1ff;
wzyz >>= 9;

w = wzyz & 0x1ff;
wzyz >>= 9; // for fun, but nothing consumes after

P.S. Adjusting for types is left as an exercise to the reader.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by (unknown user) • edited Jan 17, 2011 by (unknown user)

Here's a different solution you can use.

long wxyz;
short w, x, y, z;
char* buf = new char[sizeof(long)];
buf = (char*)long; // cast long as byte array
w = (short)buf[0]; // The way you sort depends on endianness
x = (short)buf[1];
y = (short)buf[2];
z = (short)buf[3];
delete[] buf;
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 18, 2011 by Charles Ray

Partially correct. You'll have to shift them to the right if you want the values of each segment.

short w = (short)((wxyz & 0xFF800000) >> 23);
short x = (short)((wxyz & 0x007FC000) >> 14);
short y = (short)((wxyz & 0x00003F00) >> 8);
short z = (short)((wxyz & 0x000000FC) >> 2);

These are correct values.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2011 by Michael Smith • edited Jan 17, 2011 by Michael Smith

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