I have set up a new Service Fabric instance and I can successfully connect to the Service Fabric Explorer to view the current state of the service. I would now like to connect to the Service Fabric instance using powershell:
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint <path>:19000 -KeepAliveIntervalInSec 10 -X509Credential -ServerCertThumbprint <PrimaryCertificateThumbprint> -FindType FindByThumbprint -FindValue <Admin Client certificate thumbprint installed locally> -StoreLocation CurrentUser -StoreName My
Whenever I run this command I get the error:
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : FABRIC_E_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: 0x800b0109
Can anyone tell me what is causing this error and how I fix it?
The documentation is somewhat different from your command:
PS C:\> $ConnectArgs = @{ ConnectionEndpoint = 'mycluster.cloudapp.net:19000'; X509Credential = $True; StoreLocation = 'CurrentUser'; StoreName = "MY"; ServerCommonName = "mycluster.cloudapp.net"; FindType = 'FindByThumbprint'; FindValue = "AA11BB22CC33DD44EE55FF66AA77BB88CC99DD00" }
PS C:\> Connect-ServiceFabricCluster $ConnectArgs
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