Windows Toast Notification from Console App?


I'm trying to create windows toast notifications from a console app.

This is fairly straightforward to do in a UWP app but is very difficult in a console app.

I'm getting an exception when I try to display the toast:

System.Exception: 'Element not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070490)'

My question is: What steps need to be taken to allow me to use notifications from the console app?

Here is my complete code:

using Windows.UI.Notifications;

namespace consoleToast
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument doc = new 

        var toast = new ToastNotification(doc)
            Tag = "18365",
            Group = "wallPosts"

static string xml = @"<toast launch=""app-defined-string""> <visual> <binding template=""ToastGeneric""> </binding> </visual> <actions> </actions> <audio src=""ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Reminder""/> </toast>"; } }
asked on Stack Overflow Oct 13, 2017 by Mike • edited Oct 13, 2017 by Mike

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