Does SharpDX have an enum giving constant names to the Direct2D error codes that can be returned in a SharpDXException?


class SharpDXException has a field int HResult that is set to a non-zero error code when an error is reported by the underlying Microsoft DirectX code.

For example, when using SharpDX.Direct2D1, Microsoft docs list these Direct2D error codes.

For example,


Searching SharpDX sources, I don't see anything with "RECREATE" in it.

I am hoping that there is some error enum that is auto-generated, and therefore not in the sources. So could type something like SharpDX.Direct2D1.D2DERR.RECREATE_TARGET to refer to that error code.
(I've been trying different variations on that, without finding an enum via intellisense.)

If that does not exist, has anyone posted a C# file containing those error codes?

(A C++ version of the codes is in d2derr.h. For example:


asked on Stack Overflow Oct 6, 2017 by ToolmakerSteve • edited Oct 6, 2017 by ToolmakerSteve

1 Answer


Based on

"Install C++ to C# Converter"

In C# (with some manual editing):

//  Similar to d2derr.h - Header file for the Direct2D API.
//  No original Microsoft headers were used in the creation of this file.

internal static class D2DERR
    public const uint BAD_NUMBER = 0x88990011;
    public const uint DISPLAY_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x88990009;
    public const uint DISPLAY_STATE_INVALID = 0x88990006;
    public const uint EXCEEDS_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE = 0x8899001D;
    public const uint INCOMPATIBLE_BRUSH_TYPES = 0x88990018;
    public const uint INTERNAL_ERROR = 0x88990008;
    public const uint INVALID_CALL = 0x8899000A;
    public const uint LAYER_ALREADY_IN_USE = 0x88990013;
    public const uint MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXCEEDED = 0x8899000F;
    public const uint NO_HARDWARE_DEVICE = 0x8899000B;
    public const uint NOT_INITIALIZED = 0x88990002;
    public const uint POP_CALL_DID_NOT_MATCH_PUSH = 0x88990014;
    public const uint PUSH_POP_UNBALANCED = 0x88990016;
    public const uint RECREATE_TARGET = 0x8899000C;
    public const uint RENDER_TARGET_HAS_LAYER_OR_CLIPRECT = 0x88990017;
    public const uint SCANNER_FAILED = 0x88990004;
    public const uint SCREEN_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x88990005;
    public const uint SHADER_COMPILE_FAILED = 0x8899000E;
    public const uint TARGET_NOT_GDI_COMPATIBLE = 0x8899001A;
    public const uint TEXT_EFFECT_IS_WRONG_TYPE = 0x8899001B;
    public const uint TEXT_RENDERER_NOT_RELEASED = 0x8899001C;
    public const uint TOO_MANY_SHADER_ELEMENTS = 0x8899000D;
    public const uint UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 0x88990003;
    public const uint UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = 0x88990010;
    public const uint WIN32_ERROR = 0x88990019;
    public const uint WRONG_FACTORY = 0x88990012;
    public const uint WRONG_RESOURCE_DOMAIN = 0x88990015;
    public const uint WRONG_STATE = 0x88990001;
    public const uint ZERO_VECTOR = 0x88990007;

Then using

In VB:

' Similar to d2derr.h - Header file for the Direct2D API.
' No original Microsoft headers were used in the creation of this file. 

Friend NotInheritable Class D2DERR
    Private Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public Const BAD_NUMBER As UInteger = &H88990011UI
    Public Const DISPLAY_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED As UInteger = &H88990009UI
    Public Const DISPLAY_STATE_INVALID As UInteger = &H88990006UI
    Public Const EXCEEDS_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE As UInteger = &H8899001dUI
    Public Const INCOMPATIBLE_BRUSH_TYPES As UInteger = &H88990018UI
    Public Const INTERNAL_ERROR As UInteger = &H88990008UI
    Public Const INVALID_CALL As UInteger = &H8899000aUI
    Public Const LAYER_ALREADY_IN_USE As UInteger = &H88990013UI
    Public Const MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXCEEDED As UInteger = &H8899000fUI
    Public Const NO_HARDWARE_DEVICE As UInteger = &H8899000bUI
    Public Const NOT_INITIALIZED As UInteger = &H88990002UI
    Public Const POP_CALL_DID_NOT_MATCH_PUSH As UInteger = &H88990014UI
    Public Const PUSH_POP_UNBALANCED As UInteger = &H88990016UI
    Public Const RECREATE_TARGET As UInteger = &H8899000cUI
    Public Const RENDER_TARGET_HAS_LAYER_OR_CLIPRECT As UInteger = &H88990017UI
    Public Const SCANNER_FAILED As UInteger = &H88990004UI
    Public Const SCREEN_ACCESS_DENIED As UInteger = &H88990005UI
    Public Const SHADER_COMPILE_FAILED As UInteger = &H8899000eUI
    Public Const TARGET_NOT_GDI_COMPATIBLE As UInteger = &H8899001aUI
    Public Const TEXT_EFFECT_IS_WRONG_TYPE As UInteger = &H8899001bUI
    Public Const TEXT_RENDERER_NOT_RELEASED As UInteger = &H8899001cUI
    Public Const TOO_MANY_SHADER_ELEMENTS As UInteger = &H8899000dUI
    Public Const UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION As UInteger = &H88990003UI
    Public Const UNSUPPORTED_VERSION As UInteger = &H88990010UI
    Public Const WIN32_ERROR As UInteger = &H88990019UI
    Public Const WRONG_FACTORY As UInteger = &H88990012UI
    Public Const WRONG_RESOURCE_DOMAIN As UInteger = &H88990015UI
    Public Const WRONG_STATE As UInteger = &H88990001UI
    Public Const ZERO_VECTOR As UInteger = &H88990007UI
End Class

Example C# usage:

try {
} catch (SharpDXException ex) {
    if (ex.HResult == D2DERR.RECREATE_TARGET)
answered on Stack Overflow Oct 6, 2017 by ToolmakerSteve • edited Oct 6, 2017 by ToolmakerSteve

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