Error running adb: Error running app. Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent


Hi I am trying to run 'yarn android' on my react-native project. And am running into the following error:

yarn android v0.27.5
$ react-native-scripts android
10:37:45 AM: Starting packager...
10:39:34 AM: Starting Android...
10:39:37 AM: Packager started!

To view your app with live reloading, point the Expo app to this QR code.
You'll find the QR scanner on the Projects tab of the app.

    <QR CODE>                                                  

Or enter this address in the Expo app's search bar:


Your phone will need to be on the same local network as this computer.
For links to install the Expo app, please visit

    Logs from serving your app will appear here. Press Ctrl+C at any time to stop.

Error running adb: Error running app. Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=exp:// flg=0x10000000 }

(node:28009) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null

I used the create-react-native-app generator to setup my app and here is my project structure:

App.js          app.json        gen         package.json
App.test.js     assets          my-app-key.keystore stylesheet.js       components      node_modules        yarn.lock 

I also tried scanning the qr code with my expo app to run my app on my phone but it goes to 100% and then crashes out of the app, or it gives the dark blue screen in which the error is "Uncaught Error" Packager is not running at http::19003" (even if the port I scan is http:19000).

I also just now tried running 'npm start' and then 'a' for the android option but am getting the message: 11:40:20 AM: Starting Android...

Error running adb: Error running app. Error: Activity not started, unable to resolve Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=exp:// flg=0x10000000 }

 › Press a to open Android device or emulator, or i to open iOS emulator.
 › Press q to display QR code.
 › Press r to restart packager, or R to restart packager and clear cache.
 › Press d to toggle development mode. (current mode: development)

(node:31496) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
11:43:30 AM: Running app on SM-T560NU in development mode

11:44:01 AM: [sane] Warning: Lost connection to watchman, reconnecting..

Can anyone help me with this issue?

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 28, 2017 by narahan

3 Answers


make sure you are using minimal API 19 on your emulator, its work on me somehow.

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 21, 2018 by salih kallai

you probably need to reinstall the android app, you can do it with expo install:android then try opening it again

answered on Stack Overflow Aug 20, 2020 by Paja Aleksic

Try to remove the apk

rm -rf ~/.expo/android-apk-cache


answered on Stack Overflow Jan 13, 2021 by Nghi Nguyen

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