Method not found: 'System.Data.Entity.DbSet`1<..> ..Entities.get_tb_BrandManufacturer()'


added new tables to DB, run EF update (DB first), no errors, builds fine. When running it throws

System.MissingMethodException occurred HResult=0x80131513 Message=Method not found: 'System.Data.Entity.DbSet`1 DAL.EF.LPEntities.get_tb_BrandManufacturer()'. Source=LP.Framework

on new tables added. Only happens at runtime. Thanks Pavel

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 26, 2017 by Jack0fshad0ws

1 Answer


After closing, re-opening with all projects loaded (it's a fairly large solution so some projects unloaded when working on feature), removing and adding tables to EF designer again, rebuilding it started to work.

answered on Stack Overflow Aug 26, 2017 by Jack0fshad0ws

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