I'm developping a Universal Windows Application to stream Hololens Camera and interact with it. Can you help ?
1st attack angle : Creating a Unity project and build in UWP.
I have succefully create the SharingServer from Holotoolkit-Unity and i can send custom message to the hololens from my unity app. But impossible to get video stream from device portal into a classic Unity video player
returning WindowsVideoMedia error 0x80072f8f while reading [url]
I suppose the problem is comming from the video type (without duration) but it's .mp4 H264 witch should be accepted.
In front of that impossible wall, i start over into Visual Studio making directly a UWP.
2nd attack angle : UWP straight from VS2017
There i can use WindowsDeviceProtalWrapper to get the stream and display it into a MediaElement.
But right now impossible to import SharingClient.dll into VS.
So i can't send data to my hololens with my UWP.
Thank you for your help
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