I'm having an issue with my code. I am hoping to use PowerShell to open an Access file, then export a table to an Excel file. so far, this is my code.
$MsAccess = New-object -com Access.Application
$MsAccess.Application.DoCmd.OutputTo('acOutputTable, "<TableName>" , acFormatXLS , "OutputName.xls", true')
It will always error at:
$MsAccess.Application.DoCmd.OutputTo('acOutputTable, "TableName" , acFormatXLS , "OutputName.xls", true')
with an error stating:
$MsAccess.Application.DoCmd.OutputTo('acOutputTable, "TableName" , acFormatXLS , "OutputName.xls", true')
Exception calling "OutputTo" with "1" argument(s): "Type mismatch. (Exception
from HRESULT: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH))"
I have been attempting to export a table to excel for a bit of time, but i cant seem to find much documentation about using excel through PowerShell. Would anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
note: placeholders such as TableName, filepath, etc are not actual names, just replacements
Try this:
$MsAccess.Application.DoCmd.OutputTo(0, "<TableName>" , 0, "OutputName.xls", $true)
I ended up using the docmd.transfer spreadsheet command in order to resolve this issue. I guess powershell doesn't like outputto.
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