replaced a dll in GAC_MSIL how do I rebuild that cache?


Just a bit of a background im a sysadmin attempting to build a few C# library's for Powershell DSC. As a result i've replaced a few dll files with a more up to date version in the GAC_MSIL folder. This did fix the errors with my custom library however now the main code is yelling about

PSDesiredStateConfiguration\Node : The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047)
At D:\DSCResources\Configuration\ServerConfigs\ServerBaseline.ps1:36 char:2

one of the file locations are.


Can I rebuild this cache?

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 8, 2017 by Mal229 • edited Jun 8, 2017 by Mal229

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