Fatal error when calling ARM assembly function from C


I'm trying to implement an example from a book of calling an assembly function from C. But I keep getting a fatal error where the PC = fffffffe and therefore executing code outside of RAM or ROM.

Here is my C file, t.c:

int g;      // uninitialized global
int main()
    int a, b, c, d, e, f;       // local variables
    a = b = c = d = e = f = 1;  // values do not matter
    g = sum(a,b,c,d,e,f);       // call sum(), passing a,b,c,d,e,f

My assembly file, ts.s:

    .global start, sum
start:  ldr sp, =stack_top
        bl main         // call main() in c
stop:   b stop

sum:    // int sum(int a,b,c,d,e,f) { return a+b+c+d+e+f; }
        // upon entry, stack top contains e, f, passed by main() in C
// Establish stack frame
stmfd sp!, {fp, lr}     // push fp, lr
add   fp, sp, #4        // fp -> saved lr on stack

// Compute sum of all (6) parameters
add r0, r0, r1      // first 4 parameters are in r0-r1
add r0, r0, r2
add r0, r0, r3
ldr r3, [fp, #4]    // load e into r3
add r0, r0, r3      // add to sum in r0
ldr r3, [fp, #8]    // load f into r3
add r0, r0, r3      // add to sum in r0

// Return to caller
sub sp, fp, #4      // sp=fp-4 (point at saved FP)
ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc} // return to caller

Here is the linker script, t.ld:

ENTRY(start)        /* define start as the entry address */
SECTIONS        /* program sections */
    . = 0x10000;    /* loading address, required by QEMU */
    .text : { *(.text) }    /* all text in .text section */
    .data : { *(.data) }    /* all data in .data section */
    .bss  : { *(.bss)  }    /* all bss in .bss section */
    . =ALIGN(8);
     . =. + 0x1000;     /* 4 KB stack space */
    stack_top =.;   /* stack_top is a symbol exported by linker */

I assemble the files using the following:

arm-none-eabi-as -o ts.o ts.s
arm-none-eabi-gcc -c t.c
arm-none-eabi-ld -T t.ld -o t.elf t.o ts.o
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary t.elf t.bin

Then execute with:

qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel t.bin -nographic -serial /dev/null

Here is the output:

QEMU 2.5.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) pulseaudio: set_sink_input_volume() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument
pulseaudio: set_sink_input_mute() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument
qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0xfffffffe

R00=fffffffc R01=ffffffff R02=00000000 R03=ffffffff
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=ffffffff
R12=00000000 R13=42fffff0 R14=00010060 R15=fffffffe
PSR=400001f3 -Z-- T svc32
s00=00000000 s01=00000000 d00=0000000000000000
s02=00000000 s03=00000000 d01=0000000000000000
s04=00000000 s05=00000000 d02=0000000000000000
s06=00000000 s07=00000000 d03=0000000000000000
s08=00000000 s09=00000000 d04=0000000000000000
s10=00000000 s11=00000000 d05=0000000000000000
s12=00000000 s13=00000000 d06=0000000000000000
s14=00000000 s15=00000000 d07=0000000000000000
s16=00000000 s17=00000000 d08=0000000000000000
s18=00000000 s19=00000000 d09=0000000000000000
s20=00000000 s21=00000000 d10=0000000000000000
s22=00000000 s23=00000000 d11=0000000000000000
s24=00000000 s25=00000000 d12=0000000000000000
s26=00000000 s27=00000000 d13=0000000000000000
s28=00000000 s29=00000000 d14=0000000000000000
s30=00000000 s31=00000000 d15=0000000000000000
FPSCR: 00000000
Aborted (core dumped)

I am new to ARM assembly, so I'm not sure how the PC gets all the way to fffffffe. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

So I've simplified both the C and asm file but still keep getting a fatal error.

Here is the updated C file:

int g;      // uninitialized global
int main()
    g = sum();

The ASM file:

    .global start, sum
start:  ldr sp, =stack_top
        bl main             // call main() in c
stop:   b stop

        push {lr}
        pop  {pc}

The linking script is the same as before. I still get the following error:

QEMU 2.5.0 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) pulseaudio: set_sink_input_volume() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument
pulseaudio: set_sink_input_mute() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Invalid argument
qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0xfffffffe

R00=00000000 R01=00000183 R02=00000100 R03=00000000
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=43000004
R12=00000000 R13=43000000 R14=0001000c R15=fffffffe
PSR=400001f3 -Z-- T svc32
s00=00000000 s01=00000000 d00=0000000000000000
s02=00000000 s03=00000000 d01=0000000000000000
s04=00000000 s05=00000000 d02=0000000000000000
s06=00000000 s07=00000000 d03=0000000000000000
s08=00000000 s09=00000000 d04=0000000000000000
s10=00000000 s11=00000000 d05=0000000000000000
s12=00000000 s13=00000000 d06=0000000000000000
s14=00000000 s15=00000000 d07=0000000000000000
s16=00000000 s17=00000000 d08=0000000000000000
s18=00000000 s19=00000000 d09=0000000000000000
s20=00000000 s21=00000000 d10=0000000000000000
s22=00000000 s23=00000000 d11=0000000000000000
s24=00000000 s25=00000000 d12=0000000000000000
s26=00000000 s27=00000000 d13=0000000000000000
s28=00000000 s29=00000000 d14=0000000000000000
s30=00000000 s31=00000000 d15=0000000000000000
FPSCR: 00000000
Aborted (core dumped)

It has something to do with PUSH and POP. Replacing those two with MOV PC,LR the program runs and get no error.

asked on Stack Overflow May 13, 2017 by Marco Lugo • edited May 14, 2017 by Marco Lugo

1 Answer



.globl _start
    mov sp,#0x10000
    bl main
    b hang

.globl sum
    stmfd sp!, {fp, lr}     // push fp, lr
    add   fp, sp, #4        // fp -> saved lr on stack

    // Compute sum of all (6) parameters
    add r0, r0, r1      // first 4 parameters are in r0-r1
    add r0, r0, r2
    add r0, r0, r3
    ldr r3, [fp, #4]    // load e into r3
    add r0, r0, r3      // add to sum in r0
    ldr r3, [fp, #8]    // load f into r3
    add r0, r0, r3      // add to sum in r0

    // Return to caller
    sub sp, fp, #4      // sp=fp-4 (point at saved FP)
    ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc} // return to caller


int sum ( int, int, int, int, int, int );

int g;      // uninitialized global
int main()
    int a, b, c, d, e, f;       // local variables
    a = b = c = d = e = f = 1;  // values do not matter
    g = sum(a,b,c,d,e,f);       // call sum(), passing a,b,c,d,e,f

/* memmap */
    ram  : ORIGIN = 0x00010000, LENGTH = 32K

   .text : { *(.text*) } > ram
   .bss  : { *(.text*) } > ram

arm-linux-gnueabi-as --warn --fatal-warnings -march=armv5t strap.s -o strap.o
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -c -Wall -O2 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -march=armv5t notmain.c -o notmain.o
notmain.c: In function ‘main’:
notmain.c:11:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
arm-linux-gnueabi-ld strap.o notmain.o -T memmap -o notmain.elf
arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -D notmain.elf > notmain.list
arm-linux-gnueabi-objcopy notmain.elf -O binary notmain.bin

00010000 <_start>:
   10000:   e3a0d801    mov sp, #65536  ; 0x10000
   10004:   eb00000b    bl  10038 <main>

00010008 <hang>:
   10008:   eafffffe    b   10008 <hang>

0001000c <sum>:
   1000c:   e92d4800    push    {fp, lr}
   10010:   e28db004    add fp, sp, #4
   10014:   e0800001    add r0, r0, r1
   10018:   e0800002    add r0, r0, r2
   1001c:   e0800003    add r0, r0, r3
   10020:   e59b3004    ldr r3, [fp, #4]
   10024:   e0800003    add r0, r0, r3
   10028:   e59b3008    ldr r3, [fp, #8]
   1002c:   e0800003    add r0, r0, r3
   10030:   e24bd004    sub sp, fp, #4
   10034:   e8bd8800    pop {fp, pc}

00010038 <main>:
   10038:   e3a03001    mov r3, #1
   1003c:   e52de004    push    {lr}        ; (str lr, [sp, #-4]!)
   10040:   e24dd00c    sub sp, sp, #12
   10044:   e1a02003    mov r2, r3
   10048:   e58d3004    str r3, [sp, #4]
   1004c:   e58d3000    str r3, [sp]
   10050:   e1a01003    mov r1, r3
   10054:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
   10058:   ebffffeb    bl  1000c <sum>
   1005c:   e59f200c    ldr r2, [pc, #12]   ; 10070 <main+0x38>
   10060:   e5820000    str r0, [r2]
   10064:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
   10068:   e28dd00c    add sp, sp, #12
   1006c:   e49df004    pop {pc}        ; (ldr pc, [sp], #4)
   10070:   00010074    andeq   r0, r1, r4, ror r0

Disassembly of section .bss:

00010074 <g>:
   10074:   00000000    andeq   r0, r0, r0

run it. ctrl-a then x to exit

qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128M -nographic -kernel notmain.bin
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
QEMU: Terminated

no faults.

arm-none-eabi-as --warn --fatal-warnings -march=armv5t strap.s -o strap.o
arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -Wall -O2 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -march=armv5t notmain.c -o notmain.o
notmain.c: In function ‘main’:
notmain.c:11:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
arm-none-eabi-ld strap.o notmain.o -T memmap -o notmain.elf
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D notmain.elf > notmain.list
arm-none-eabi-objcopy notmain.elf -O binary notmain.bin

again no faults.

What are the missing parts to your example that you didnt provide?

you can simplify your assembly a little bit if you care to, I can understand why to use the stack frame if you feel the need.

.globl sum
    push {r3,lr}

    add r0, r0, r1      
    add r0, r0, r2      
    add r0, r0, r3      
    ldr r3, [fp, #0x08]    
    add r0, r0, r3      
    ldr r3, [fp, #0x0C]    
    add r0, r0, r3      

    pop {r3,pc}
answered on Stack Overflow May 13, 2017 by old_timer

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