ASP.NET Core 1.1 web application does not start when running with IIS Express in Visual Studio 2017


I've recently installed Visual Studio 2017 Professional and have just created the boilerplate ASP.NET Core Web Application

This is what happens when I hit Run (With IIS Express):

enter image description here

And this is what Visual Studio 2017's Output window says:

The program '[8260] dotnet.exe' has exited with code -2147450749 (0x80008083).

The program '[6476] iisexpress.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Steps to fix?

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 27, 2017 by Matthew Layton • edited Mar 31, 2017 by Matthew Layton

3 Answers


I think it's a bug as per Visual Studio 2017 Doesn't Run Core Apps with IIS Express.

And that the current status is fixed pending release:

And that the workarounds meanwhile are probably:

  • dotnet run
  • Publish to local IIS. Which is working for me.
  • (Untested: downgrade from core-1.1 to core-1.0)

If you aren't familiar with VS2017/ You probably have the Debug toolbar visible which shows you a dropdown with a green arrow and 'IIS Express'. Click on that and you should see a 'Run {yourprojectname}' option. This is the equivalent of dotnet run {yourprojectname} from the commandline

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 27, 2017 by Chris F Carroll • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

Okay, this worked for me: Install the x86 SDK...

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 3, 2017 by Matthew Layton

'The program '[8260] dotnet.exe' has exited with code -2147450749 (0x80008083).'

Could be a x86 x64 related thing. (Same for Console Core Apps)

If you have installed multiple versions of .NET Core like so: enter image description here

You need to set the order in the path environment variable:

enter image description here

So that the one you want to use appears first and then (re-)start Visual Studio. To check which dotnet is currently "active" run: dotnet --info in the console.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 28, 2017 by A.J.Bauer

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