Visual Studio 2017 failed to install several components


The installer for release version of Visual Studio 2017 Community edition failed for several components

The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due to one or more package failures.

Incomplete workloads Mobile development with .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.26228.0)

Incomplete components Google Android Emulator (API Level 23) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.26208.0)

You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your selections for the above workloads and components and retry the installation, or remove the product from your machine.

Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people will be able to find solutions or workarounds.

Package 'AndroidEmulator_API23V2,version=1.0.23' failed to download from ''. Search URL:;PackageAction=DownloadPackage;ReturnCode=0x80072f7d Impacted workloads Mobile development with .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.26228.0) Impacted components Google Android Emulator (API Level 23) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.26208.0) Details WebClient download failed: The decryption operation failed, see inner exception. Bits download failed: Error context: BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE, Error code: -2147012739 WinInet download failed: Function: InternetReadFile, HR: -2147012739, Message: Unknown error 12157

Does this Mobile development with .NET impact in anyway Windows UWP development? I don't really need the Android development tools at this moment.

What is the best course of action for this - I tried the install twice, with the same result - can I install the components later on their own?

EDIT: Visual Studio seems to run correctly, and I can open my UWP project and run it so everything seems to work ok so far. This is the version of the application that was installed

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.0.26228.9 D15RTWSVC
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01586
Installed Version: Community
asked on Stack Overflow Mar 17, 2017 by erotavlas • edited Mar 17, 2017 by erotavlas

1 Answer


See if you have this file on your machine:

%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe

If so, please launch it from an admin command prompt with a -full param:

InstallCleanup.exe -full

If not, please manually delete the folder:

%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer

Relaunch the newly downloaded vs_enterprise.exe (or vs_professional.exe or vs_community.exe). Allow the first step to install the installer.

Once the installer comes up and you can see workload choices (.NET desktop and the like), close it. Go launch the same InstallCleanup.exe to clean up old build of VS.

Then relaunch vs_enterprise.exe and install

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2017 by user7792704 • edited Mar 30, 2017 by CDspace

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