this is my very first Question. Im trying since about 2 Hours. I Have to compile an AutoIt Executable which will install Xampp on the Computer. This is what ive done so far:
; Script Start
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
run ("xampp-win32-7.1.1-0-VC14-installer.exe")
WinWait ("Datei öffnen - Sicherheitswarnung")
ControlClick( "Datei öffnen - Sicherheitswarnung","A&usführen","Button" )
Sleep ( 5 )
; /\ Windows Security Question /\ (Everything Fine in here)
WinWait ("Question")
WinActivate ("Question")
ControlClick("Question","", "[CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:3]") <--- AutoIt just wont hit this Button(Actually a Qwidget)
; /\ XAMPP Anti-Virus Question /\
As you can see im trying to left-click the qwidget, but it just wont do. I tried some Raw Methods, too like just sending an Enter as soon as the windows was Activated but it wouldnt work too.
I would have used an ID or something more precise but the WindowInfo do not get any Button(act. QWidget) ID
Heres the Summary of the Button i want to click:
>>>> Window <<<<
Title: Question
Class: QWidget
Position: 1427, 405
Size: 506, 170
Style: 0x96C80000
ExStyle: 0x00000104
Handle: 0x0000000000590476
>>>> Control <<<<
Class: QWidget
Instance: 3
ClassnameNN: QWidget3
Advanced (Class): [CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:3]
Position: 170, 107
Size: 77, 26
ControlClick Coords: 35, 17
Style: 0x56000000
ExStyle: 0x00000004
Handle: 0x00000000008225C2
>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position: 1635, 552
Cursor ID: 0
Color: 0xD4D0C8
>>>> StatusBar <<<<
>>>> ToolsBar <<<<
>>>> Visible Text <<<<
>>>> Hidden Text <<<<
I just want to click the button, i thought using the "Advanced(Class)"-Value would help because its an exact Definition, but i doesnt.
PS:I Know this code looks kind of cruel, but my priority is to make a running script(somehow) so im open for probably any idea not including "Alt+F4" or "smashing my computer"
Thanks and Best Regards in Advance!
You may have to use a relative coordinate as offset: Example:
ControlClick("Title","","[CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:3]", "", 1, 35, 17)
It finds the [CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:3] object and clicks the coordinates 35,17 (ControlClick Coords: 35, 17) to click button inside that object.
I have a similar situation. Not the best solution but it works for me. Give it a try.
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