How to use Intel Hardware MJPEG Decoder MFT in MediaFoundation SourceReader for Window Desktop application?


I'm developing USB camera streaming Desktop application using MediaFoundation SourceReader technique. The camera is having USB3.0 support and gives 60fps for 1080p MJPG video format resolution.

I used Software MJPEG Decoder MFT to convert MJPG to YUY2 frames and then converted into the RGB32 frame to draw on the window. Instead of 60fps, I'm able to render only 30fps on the window when using this software decoder. I have posted a question on this site and got some suggestion to use Intel Hardware MJPEG Decoder MFT to solve frame drop issue.

I have faced an error 0xC00D36B5 - MF_E_NOTACCEPTING when calling IMFTransform::ProcessInput() method. To solve this error, MSDN suggested using IMFTranform interface asynchronously. So, I used IMFMediaEventGenerator interface to GetEvent for every In/Out sample. Successfully, I can process only one input sample and then continuously IMFMediaEventGenerator:: GetEvent() methods returns MF_E_NO_EVENTS_AVAILABLE error(GetEvent() is synchronous).

I have tried to configure an asynchronous callback for SourceReader as well as IMFTransform but MFAsyncCallback:: Invoke method is not invoking, hence I planned to use GetEvent method.

Am I missing anything?If Yes, Someone guides me to use Intel Hardware Decoder into my project?

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 3, 2017 by Abi • edited Feb 5, 2017 by Abi

1 Answer


Intel Hardware MJPEG Decoder MFT is an asynchronous MFT and if you are managing it directly, you are responsible to apply asynchronous model. You seem to be doing this but you don't provide information that allows nailing the problem down. Yes, you are supposed to use event model described in ProcessInput, ProcessOutput sections of the article linked above. As you get the first frame, you should debug further to make it work with smooth continuous processing.

When you use APIs like media session our source reader, you have Media Foundation itself dealing with the MFTs. It is capable of doing synchronous and asynchronous consumption when appropriate. In this case, however, you don't do IMFTransform calls and even from your vague description it comes you are doing it wrong way.

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 5, 2017 by Roman R.

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