Error starting Windows docker container with managed service account


I'm trying to test out docker containers running with a domain credential and I'm following these instructions from Microsoft Docs. I have created the Group MSA, which I'm pretty sure I've done correctly as I can run other services on my local computer using it.

I'm testing on a Windows 10 PC, running hyper-v docker containers.

I have built an image called sqltest. When I run the following, the container does evey as expected:

docker run -it sqltest

I tried creating active directory credentials using this command:

New-CredentialSpec -Name developerpcsql -AccountName developerpcsql

Calling Get-CredentialSpec confirms that the json file is created as expected, and it looks right when I open the file.

To run the container, I'm using:

docker run -it --security-opt "credentialspec=file://developerpcsql.json" sqltest

When I do that, it takes about 30 seconds and then I get the following error:

Error response from daemon: container d97082fab98c0205c0072b0a8b79fb7835c8e90828498428b976e378762cc412 encountered an error during Start: failure in a Windows system call: The operation timed out because a response was not received from the Virtual Machine hosting the Container. (0xc0370109).

To confirm it's not my container I've also tried using the standard microsoft/servercore container and get the same error.

Any ideas on what I'm missing?

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 2, 2017 by Greg

1 Answer


It looks like it does not work for Windows 10. Here you can find discussion on the topic

Virtualization-Documentation git repo

It does work as expected for Windows Server 2016 Hosted container.

answered on Stack Overflow Jul 26, 2017 by Alexander Bartosh • edited Jul 27, 2017 by Alexander Bartosh

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