C# code -2147023895 (0x800703e9) while debugging


I'm trying to debug some information of my list that is made of objects of a class I made. When I try to check it, it stops debugging and gives the following code in the output window:

The program <6880> 'MyApp.vshost.exe' has exited with code -2147023895 (0x800703e9).

When I searched for the number, I found this:

Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.

When I read this, it seems to me that I have an infinite loop or something like that.

When I search for this, I get to MSDN and it says contact the supplier. well that's me....

Another topic I found on stackoverflow is this one: Runtime exception, recursion too deep

But this is about looping for like .. a really long time.

Mine is just a list with some information saved in it.

This is the class

class LinePiece
    private string type;
    private string elementNumber;
    private int beginX, beginY;
    private int endX, endY;
    private int diameter;
    private string text;

    public string Type { get { return type; } }
    public string ElementNumber { get { return ElementNumber; } }
    public int BeginX { get { return beginX; } }
    public int BeginY { get { return beginY; } }
    public int EndX { get { return endX; } }
    public int EndY { get { return endY; } }

    public LinePiece(string a_type, string a_eleNr, int a_beginX, int a_beginY, int a_endX, int a_endY)
        type = a_type;
        elementNumber = a_eleNr;
        beginX = a_beginX;
        beginY = a_beginY;
        endX = a_endX;
        endY = a_endY;

And I create a list like this: List<LinePiece> l_linePieces = new List<LinePiece>();

and add a line like this:

LinePiece LP = new LinePiece(s_lpType, s_EleNr, i_X1, i_Y1, i_X2, i_Y2);

When I debug at this point, I click on the l_linePieces it displays the amount of objects are in it. But when I try to open one of them, it stops and gives the error.

Also when I don't debug it, it's all fine, it gives no errors etc. But I want to check some values in this list.

So how can I solve this issue?

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 19, 2017 by Bart • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

1 Answer


This property getter...

public string ElementNumber { get { return ElementNumber; } }

...calls itself.

To avoid this in future, you should probably use automatic properties, which look like this:

public string ElementNumber { get; set; }

The compiler will invent a hidden backing field.

You can initialise the auto properties in your constructor as follows:

public LinePiece(string a_type, string a_eleNr,
                 int a_beginX, int a_beginY,
                 int a_endX, int a_endY)
    Type = a_type;
    ElementNumber = a_eleNr;
    BeginX = a_beginX;
    BeginY = a_beginY;
    EndX = a_endX;
    EndY = a_endY;

If you want to set them only from the class itself (i.e. in the constructor), then use private set:

public string ElementNumber { get; private set; }
answered on Stack Overflow Jan 19, 2017 by Roger Lipscombe • edited Jan 25, 2017 by Roger Lipscombe

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