ASP.NET debug fails to start google chrome - error crome.exe 0xc0000142


When I try to start debugging my ASP.NET application with google chrome. Chrome failed with the code 0xc0000142. Debugging with other browsers works. I have set Chrome as my default browser, and has not observed any other problems. Only Visual Studio seems to have problems with my chrome browser.

Any advise is appreciated. Best regards, Kaj Bromose

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 1, 2017 by bromose

2 Answers


1. Make sure you close all running programs.

2. Right click on the Google Chrome icon at your desktop or Start Menu and select Properties.

3. Go to the Shortcut tab if you’re not already there, add the switch at the end of the target. By default the last character is double quote, so you’ll need to add a space then followed by --no-sandbox OR --in-process-plugins. Do take note that there is two dashes.

chrome no sandbox shortcut


4. Now run Google Chrome as normal. You won’t see the 0xc0000142 or 0xc0000005 crash popup anymore.


answered on Stack Overflow Jan 1, 2017 by Vishwa Ratna

I have found the root cause.

After disabling Kaspersky Internet Security (completely, and disable after restart), and a restart. Opening Chrome from Visual Studio works again.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 15, 2017 by bromose

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