Project Rome - accessing Xbox console


I am experimenting with Project Rome and I am facing some issue with finding my Xbox console.

I can find my tablet, another laptop but I cannot find my Xbox console - it is a developer kit. I also tried to switch it to retail console but no difference.

private RemoteSystemWatcher remoteSystemWatcher;

remoteSystemWatcher = RemoteSystem.CreateWatcher();
remoteSystemWatcher.RemoteSystemAdded += OnDeviceAdded;

private void OnDeviceAdded(RemoteSystemWatcher sender, RemoteSystemAddedEventArgs args)

I also tried to find Xbox console via HostName or IP, unfortunately it raises exception. Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)). It seems like the same issue with this method as described here.

await RemoteSystem.FindByHostNameAsync(new HostName("...."));
asked on Stack Overflow Dec 14, 2016 by Jakub Krampl • edited May 23, 2017 by Community

1 Answer


It seems like a problem with specific version (10.0.14393.2113) of OS which I had installed before. Right now I installed following version and it works without any problems.

Xbox One Recovery Update [14393.2152.161208-1218] December 14, 2016

Even this works if I use IP address of my Xbox console (with hostname it does not work).

await RemoteSystem.FindByHostNameAsync(new HostName("...."));
answered on Stack Overflow Dec 30, 2016 by Jakub Krampl • edited Dec 30, 2016 by Jakub Krampl

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